Example sentences of "[noun] to the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 There are yet more clues in Marx 's exposition of the autonomous state in the France of Louis Napoleon to the power of bureaucracy in the post-colonial situation .
2 The standard deviation can usefully be visualized as the distance from the mean to the point of inflection of the bell-shaped curve .
3 The standard deviation can usefully be visualized as the distance from the mean to the point of inflection of the bell-shaped curve .
4 They are not foolproof ; they carry additional risks to the health of the child ; and are capable of detecting only certain types of handicap , at present mainly chromosomal disorders and malformations of the central nervous system which give rise to spina bifida ( now largely a physical rather than mental handicap ) and hydrocephalus .
5 This is not only because of the risks to the health of the attempters and the distress to families and friends , but also because of the implications for the health services in terms of use of limited resources .
6 In the US , the arts briefly hit the headlines when President Bush unedifyingly threw the Head of the National Endowment for the Arts to the wolves of the right–wing electorate because the NEA had sponsored some difficult , and , in particular , sexually explicit arts projects in recent years .
7 The National Curriculum proposal has been subjected to extensive criticism not only for the vagueness of the curriculum theory it espouses but also for its inadequate consideration of the value of the arts to the development of all pupils .
8 For many abolitionists emancipation was celebrated by raising Buxton to the pantheon of heroes .
9 It is joyous dance anthems like her recent hits Everybody 's Free ( To Feel Good ) and Faith ( in the Power of Love ) that are the true '90s successors to the spirit of all those '60s Motown pop classics .
10 Almost certainly if we had the full text of Edward 's coronation oath , we should find that , like his predecessors back to the early twelfth century and his successors to the end of the Middle Ages , he promised to protect the liberties of the church , which , after all , was also the substance of the first clause of Magna Carta .
11 Some of them received high command in the mid-fifteenth century , and some introduced their own characteristics to the fighting of war .
12 ABOVE The original , suppressed frontispiece to the libretto of The Magic Flute , showing the Masonic symbols .
13 Then in the evening the fun continued inside the inn : drinking and Singing the Old Songs to the tune of the ‘ cordion ’ .
14 A Quality Circle team of Coalport flower makers , ‘ Simply the Best ’ , has brought new thinking to the making of bone china floral studies , which has given the marketing team a sweet smell of success .
15 Some of these recordings are now being used by the YCCC as evidence in the legal actions which they are taking out against the city and tannery , and some of the recordings have been played back to other community groups in similar situations but who have not developed their thinking to the extent of the YCCC .
16 Technology enforces rigorous thinking to the point of revealing embarrassing gaps in learning , teaching and training theory .
17 I must offer my condolence to the families of the victims . ’
18 As a theory it is common enough : in the Italian Constitution the family is the only association among people which is designated ‘ natural ’ , and contemporary British conservatives tend to see the family as a possible counterweight to the power of the state .
19 William 's grandad had been a surrogate father to both of them and some small counterweight to the preponderance of nans and aunts and mothers .
20 When he walked in the stable door accompanied by his usual aroma , the foal fastened her ears to the back of her neck and attempted to attack him with feet and teeth !
21 Claudia sank down on to her bed and tried to shut her ears to the sound of him in the next room .
22 FERRANTI International is planning legal action against a series of obscure European registered companies which acted as intermediaries in the ‘ phantom ’ arms contracts that have brought the UK defence contractor to the brink of collapse .
23 ‘ The tragedy which caused the deaths of six people at Sowerby Bridge brought tremendous grief to the families of those who died and was a tragedy to the community itself . ’
24 The Smiths are acknowledged as writing with sensitivity , depth and intelligence and the suggestion that they are cashing in on a tragedy at the expense of causing grief to the relatives of its victims is absolutely untrue .
25 Jenny had a very poor topographical imagination and needed to apply herself with great concentration to the task of relating the main lines of street lights to her own knowledge of the town .
26 And in a lecture to the Eugenics Society in 1911 , Sidney Webb denounced the Poor Law for degrading the British racial stock to the level of American blacks by supporting the unfit .
27 If you are wrong , return the card to the bottom of the pile .
28 Somehow then she recalled the couple of business cards which Cara had given her and , in the hope that the woman might take her card to the master of the house , she dived into her bag and extracted one from her wallet and extended it to the woman .
29 Registration is easily achieved by presenting a Medical Card to the doctor of your choice or to the University Medical Officer .
30 The regional policies that have been developed , refined and improved in Britain in the past quarter of a century owe a great deal to the foresight of then Prime Minister Harold Macmillan in deciding to send Lord Hailsham , as he is now , to the north-east to make some progress .
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