Example sentences of "[noun] to [art] children [unc] " in BNC.

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1 The writer assessed press reports , criticized the lack of western coverage , and likened the Red Guards to the children 's crusades of medieval Europe .
2 The category award winners ranged from a housing co-operative in Dundee to a children 's play area in an Essex village .
3 Thanks to the Children 's Book Foundation for their help in putting together this report PAGE wom
4 Prior to this , an assessment panel review meeting was held in the school to consider a submission to the children 's panel .
5 ‘ They give them stuff to read which has really got some relevance to the children 's life .
6 Mrs Law , who ran the shop with a small team of volunteers , sent the proceeds to the Children 's Village in Thandigudi , in Southern India .
7 Now the organisation is turning its attention to the children 's hospital .
8 Gifts will be raffled with 50pc of the proceeds going towards the team 's travel fund and the rest to the children 's ward at Darlington Memorial Hospital .
9 I had to write a letter of apology to the Children 's Department about the incident , which had n't done our already bad standing with them any good at all . ’
10 The Reporter 's request to the Children 's Panel for an extension of the Place of Safety orders for a further twenty-one days was upheld .
11 The entire cast , in costume and make-up , sets off in a vintage bus at 10 a.m. on the traditional annual pilgrimage to the children 's hospital .
12 It is unwise for mothers to be too ideologically sound in matter of diet — it makes it so easy for rivals to the children 's hearts to worm their way therein , and win .
13 Thus laden , and with eyes popping and face red , he motioned Jitka to go ahead and open the doors , which she did , and together , they climbed the stairs to the children 's room at the back where Noreen used to sleep .
14 Before taking a decision on whether to take a case to a Children 's Hearing , the Reporter has to consider the reports from all the appropriate agencies .
15 The children here were all considered old enough by their parents to understand a sympathetic explanation of the grounds on which the Reporter had referred their case to the Children 's Panel .
16 In response to the children 's far more advanced views on integration the tutorial programme was revised and within two weeks the child was a member of the mainstream school .
17 Mrs Laughton resigned with much regret , saying as she went that Orkney Islands Council did n't appear to know what the role of the Reporter to the Children 's Panel should be , and determined to make her concerns public .
18 Formal consent must also be sought from the Reporter to the Children 's Panel if we propose to share certain information provided by the Reporter .
19 On 5th March a successful meeting of the Group was held in Glasgow when Mr F. J. Kennedy , Reporter to the Children 's Panel , Glasgow , gave a most interesting and inspired talk on his experience over the last few years .
20 She 's held the post of special ambassador to the children 's charity UNICEF since 1988 , visiting war-torn and poverty-stricken countries such as Vietnam and Bangladesh .
21 EVERY time that jaunty music to the children 's television series Captain Pugwash is broadcast , Johnny Pearson doubtless allows himself a smile .
22 Thirty five for an ordinary one you know everything to my spouse or most of it to the spouse with bits to the children er well r we usually run to about thirty five pounds .
23 If a child has been made the subject of a supervision requirement following a referral to a children 's hearing on an offence ground , and that supervision requirement has been terminated and the child reappears before another children 's hearing , the main factors that the later hearing will need to consider to perform their statutory functions are why the child appeared before a children 's hearing , the reasons for that hearing 's disposal and , most particularly , the child 's response to the disposal ; in short , a children 's hearing would want to know the very things section 4 appears to prevent it ascertaining .
24 After the incident , the infant had been taken into care but a sheriff held she had not been the victim of an offence and dismissed a referral to a children 's hearing .
25 Her parents had not accepted the grounds of referral to a children 's hearing , that L had been the victim of an offence , and the case had gone before Sheriff Sir Stephen Young at Greenock Sheriff Court .
26 They began their fight by refusing to accept the grounds of referral to the Children 's Panel .
27 MP Jim Wallace made his appeal for such an inquiry on the floor of the House of Commons ; and when the topic was brought up at the Scottish Liberal Democrats Conference , he was supported by Judy Steel , wife of the former leader of the Liberal Party , and herself one of the first ever Reporters to a Children 's Panel when the system began in 1971 .
28 Given the general background of the Bill 's legislative history , and its late application to the children 's hearings system , it is hardly surprising that there is an apparent , though fundamental , ambiguity in its provisions in relation to children 's hearings .
29 The expectations and priorities of social workers are seen to be very low in relation to the children 's education ; changes of placement lead to changes of school and this is seldom taken into account in placement decisions .
30 Several hearings were held , and as a teacher involved with the family , and as someone who 'd been asked officially to ‘ socialise , them , Mr M was asked to give information to the Children 's Panel .
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