Example sentences of "[noun] to [be] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 The American public wanted this new President to be given a chance to try out his programs .
2 Therefore he restated his belief in the discipline of enforced spending caps , called for congressional authorization for the elimination of 246 federally funded spending programmes , and repeated earlier calls for the President to be given a line-item veto in order to " end the annual ritual of filling the budget with pork-barrel appropriations " .
3 They had to pile it deeper in one corner to make a space to spread the chillies — five lukals of fleshy scarlet pods to be dried a crackling brick-red to last throughout the year .
4 Mr Martin Holgate , formerly chief scientist at the environment department and now director general of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources based in Geneva , will summarise the possible action to be taken a role which he performed brilliantly at the recent London ozone conference .
5 The protocol , which was subject to ratification by the governments of the states concerned , effectively marked a compromise between those countries which favoured the eventual opening of Antarctica to mineral exploitation ( notably the United Kingdom and the United States ) , and those which supported proposals for the continent to be declared a " world park " ( which included Australia and France ) .
6 The 50-year ban , which now needs to be ratified by the governments of the 26 " voting members " of the Treaty , was a compromise between those nations which favoured the eventual opening of the Antarctic to mineral exploitation ( notably the USA and UK ) , and those which supported proposals for the continent to be declared a " world park " ( led by Australia and France ) .
7 I actually think the time is right in the next nine months to be buying a property .
8 So it 's wrong to read anything into the failure of Peter Mandelson to be given a room — although the fact that he is dossing down in Tony Blair 's office is surely evidence of his continuing influence with the Bright Young Things of the shadow cabinet .
9 By a letter dated 7 March 1983 the plaintiff formally appointed the defendants as agents to sell Caliban at a price of $3.5m. or such sum as the plaintiff might agree to accept , the defendants to be paid a commission of 5 per cent .
10 BSB Datavision was one of six companies to be awarded a specialised satellite service operator ( SSSO ) licence last year .
11 In view of the potential benefits to be gained by local communities from providing food and accommodation and other requirements , one might expect every small town and village throughout rural Scotland to be demanding a long-distance recreational route on their doorstep .
12 Unable to come in for a presentation , Archie was visited at home to be given a retirement gift from the company and one from his colleagues .
13 As Bishop Thomas Brinton of Rochester said when preaching at the time of the Black Prince 's death in the summer of 1376 , it was part of a knight 's duty to help his king in time of war ; failure to do so meant loss of the right to be called a knight , which was both a sign of honour and a mark of responsibility which had to be lived up to .
14 Well to-do visitors would have taken it as their right to be given a tour of the house and gardens as they travelled the country in past centuries — today visitors from all over the world come to Blenheim — their entrance fees paying for its up-keep .
15 It was as if a woman who thus lowered herself disowned her right to be considered a person , a soul ; as if it would be no sin to take advantage of her lust because one could not possibly soil her any further .
16 It seemed a hideous unthinkable accident to be born a man , so you would have to become a soldier .
17 It is by no means unheard of for a band to be offered a deal on nothing more than a ‘ concept ’ .
18 And it did seem to me that in the light of , erm , of the single regeneration budget , on the light of the need to be developing a regeneration strategy for Shropshire , perhaps the role of the County Council in this affair should actually be , er , as , as the local government for the county , should be to look at preparing a , a regeneration strategy for the whole county , at which the work that we do to economic development is one of the pillars of support as is the work that the districts do is another pillar of support , as is the work of the R D C and the objective five programme , and all the various other bodies that are involved in , in economic development and similar activities in .
19 In this situation , you may only need to wave your tape under the right A&R person 's nose to be offered a recording contract .
20 A 70-year old woodland has become the first plantation forest to be declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest ( SSSI ) by English Nature .
21 Author Catherine Cookson 's reaction to being made a dame was ‘ I feel just like Cinderella . ’
22 Both he and the developer signed off the test record and he allowed all the modules in the package with development versions to be given a fully approved status .
23 She remembers that she had been knocking on doors for years to be given a chance to act and had been practically laughed out of town .
24 GRANVILLE AGAIN , travelling well when falling two out in last month 's Champion Hurdle , stylishly underlined his credentials to be considered a most unlucky loser that day when taking yesterday 's Scottish Champion Hurdle at Ayr .
25 I was asked if I wished my name to be withdrawn a second time but I declined , feeling it would be wrong to have to continue to rely on the goodwill and hospitality of friends in order to continue playing .
26 It was too nice a day to be burying a young life .
27 Where such doubt does not exist , as in the cases I have mentioned , I think it should be possible for habitual child molesters , those guilty of premeditated murder and terrorist bombers to be given a lethal injection .
28 It was possible for a person to be given a legacy on the understanding that he would manumit a slave .
29 Where at any stage of proceedings by assignment , transmission , or devolution the interest or liability of any party devolves on some other person , the court may order ex parte that other person to be made a party " to carry on " the proceedings ( Ord 5 , r 11 ) .
30 It was not uncommon for foreign representatives in Sweden to be given a quantity of copper , the only Swedish product for which there was a ready international market , which they could sell on their return home .
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