Example sentences of "[noun] to [art] next [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Devos might have added that Charpentier frequently reinforces his wishes at the ends of sections with verbal indications such as ‘ Passez sans interruption a la suite ’ ( ‘ Continue without interruption to the next movement ’ ) , or ‘ Suivez au Choeur sans interruption ’ ( ‘ Continue with the chorus without interruption ’ ) .
2 The holes are formed by transferring one stitch to the next needle to the right or left , leaving the empty needle in working position so that it picks up a stitch on the following row .
3 If you follow the electricity poles over the steppe to the next village , the people there are partially settled inside bricks and mortar .
4 Bravely , she stretched out over the gap to the next stone .
5 The cab hit nearly sixty on the long stretch to the next set of lights .
6 The hallway was repeated on the first floor , with the entrance to the next flat , and the stairs went on , to stop at a narrow landing , with another door opening from it .
7 The wah-wah riff to the next track we looked at , Dragonfly , is shown in fig 6 .
8 Leaving Gairloch , the pinky red beach and recharged store , the panoramic journey continued up over the hill by Loch Tollaidh to Poolewe , past Osgood MacKenzie 's Inverewe gardens and along the bleak coast to the next drop at Aultbea .
9 Each node in the structure contains one word and one pointer to the next word in the list .
10 ‘ The aggrieved consumer needs an accessible local service to which he can take his troubles and where he will receive a realistic appraisal , a measure of help in presenting his case , or a pointer to the next step .
11 This means that if at any stage the required pointer to the next letter does not exist , the search is unsuccessful .
12 Cars must go back to the A683 beyond Barbon and that road followed south to the next village of Casterton , which has a school founded for the daughters of clergy and made famous by its association with the Brontë sisters .
13 The lorry speeded up on the downhill run to the next roundabout and the huge road-signs giving warning of the end of the twin carriageway and the start of two-way traffic .
14 Leeds , however , did not heed that warning , and paid the ultimate price in the 59th minute , when Rangers ensured their passage to the next phase of the competition .
15 It is rare for a tribe to spend more than a few months in any one place ; consequently , any rug that is unfinished when the tribe moves has to be fastened tightly to the loom and transported in its entirety to the next encampment .
16 If they fail to answer a question correctly , they remain on the square they have reached but play passes to the next player .
17 In accordance with our procedures , both parties have referred the salary claim issue to the next stage of procedures .
18 Unless I receive representation to the contrary I intend inviting Clydesdale District Council to the next meeting .
19 Once away from the gym and the deadening influence of the Butcher we felt released and began to caper along the corridor to the next lesson .
20 Unless there is regular guidance given to parents through workshops and school produced booklets the arrival home of the reading book will be seen as little more than an opportunity to check when the teacher last heard their child read and a chance to rush their child to the next stage on the reading scheme .
21 Once off you walk over the mountains to the next town , and over again to another .
22 All the guy who 's pushing on has done is got from one holdup to the next holdup quicker than the next feller .
23 Their function was to work , to procreate and to give place to the next generation ; while the sprawling capital endured .
24 All British governments , however large their majority , must have an eye to the next election and an effective opposition will take maximum advantage of that fact .
25 It then proceeds inside the tube to the next weld .
26 Yeah but I 've got to the move to the next ward soon .
27 A stream of urine splashed into the first glass , and as it filled Estelle guided the stream to the next glass as if she were holding a hose pipe .
28 The left-hand page is where you plan , the right-hand page is where you record , the end of the day you are supposed to record one with t' other , and carry forward unfinished business to the next day .
29 Selling shares for gain should not be confused with giving part of your family business to the next generation , which was made easier a few years back under the inheritance tax rules .
30 This is due to the fact that the capacitors can not simultaneously pass on their charge to the next stage and receive the charge from the previous stage .
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