Example sentences of "[noun] in it [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 And then obviously if you have more weight in it they 'll be really bushy .
2 Could you put her blanket in the the seat just so that they do n't get little bits of cotton in it she might um breathe them in .
3 Scotland has recently produced a code of conduct for mountain bikers and there are one or two phrases in it which might be useful for your Code :
4 However there is an error in it which should be corrected .
5 Well I think of evaluation as the process by which a person or a group of people have a fairly careful look at something they 're doing in order to try and decide whether it 's going well or badly , whether there are things in it they might wish to improve , and how valuable they think it is whether they might want to make changes in it in any way .
6 If the retina is a square array with n photocells along each edge , then there are n(n-1)/2 pairs in it which can be the ends of a line .
7 British Airways examine every official accident report that is published by a national accident investigation authority to see whether there are any features in it which might lead to an improvement in the safety of their own operation .
8 The way to make NoS popular was to put lots of people in it They could be used to bring home the sort of things which should be exposed and campaigned about in the paper — like housing conditions , or unemployment .
9 From there it is less than one Cessna hour to see from air the Bay of Islands , the Waitangi Treaty House ( where the historic treaty between Maori and British was signed ) , Cape Brett ( with its remarkable rocky island that has a hole in it you can sail ships right through ) , and thousands of acres of primeval forests of kauri trees .
10 Not only throughout Britain , but in many parts of Europe and in the New World , it was widely accepted that if a person succeeded in erecting a dwelling on common or waste land between sunset and sunrise and lighting a fire in it he could not lawfully be dispossessed .
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