Example sentences of "[noun] in the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The answer to this question lies in the complex problem of whether there is ever a role for retaining the gall bladder in the presence of stones , and whether it is the gall bladder that is the cause of the stones such that recurrence of stones is inevitable .
2 From him , I heard of leys for the first time , and learned that he had found alignments of tree clumps in the countryside around his home .
3 The truck finally swerved off the road and jounced across pine roots before it stalled with a jerk in the middle of a little grove .
4 But no amount of passive resistance and bureaucratic delay could halt the process set in train by Ceauşescu in the spring of 1988 .
5 Pulmonary hypertension associated with primary biliary cirrhosis in the absence of portal hypertension : a case report
6 The role of platelet activating factor blocker in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease deserves investigation .
7 But history would not be central to the religion in the way in which history is central to Christianity .
8 The Irish Republic is a Catholic country and even those Protestants who do not expect to be actively persecuted doubt that they will have full civil and religious liberty when the major religious institution refuses to engage in fair competition by , for example , permitting the parents free choice of their child 's religion in the case of mixed marriage .
9 She argued that the Bulletin of March 1992 , in recognising the role of religion in the formation of group identities , was colluding with the oppression of women 's rights .
10 Christianity especially has come in for great criticism as being the major religion in the history of Western civilization .
11 Likewise , if anthropologists used the word religion in the sense in which it is ordinarily used by ordinary speakers of English , where it is tied in with such compartmentalized matters as church membership and a professional priesthood , then it would have no application at all to most of the societies which anthropologists usually study .
12 Tyndall chose , and it was brave to do it in Belfast , to mount an attack on organized religion in the name of science .
13 This has run into very heavy water in the twentieth century , and not only because of Freud 's onslaught on religion in the name of wish-fulfilment , where he portrayed the idea that people create an imaginary father in the skies to give them comfort .
14 More arresting are readings which note the inescapable presence of the Christian religion in the ambient of the tale , embodied in the church — to which Alison goes on the " " haliday " " and where Absolon " " gooth with a sencer " " , or where the " " freres in the chauncel gonne synge " " — and in the Bible : echoes of the Song of Solomon in the descriptions of Alison and Absolon , and in Absolon 's love song ( 3698 – 707 ) .
15 Considering the discussion of religion in The Future of an Illusion and elsewhere , especially in Civilization and Its Discontents , it is clear that Freud thought of religion as being in need of explanation because it was irrational and did not further the happiness of mankind .
16 The year 1808 saw a revival of religion in the area around Portadown and remarkable open-air meetings were held in Portadown itself , at Mahon , Scotch Street , Derryhale , Richhill and Dawson 's Grove .
17 Later in life Tolkien may have become more uncertain about his own originality , and wrote that the elvish song of Rivendell was a ‘ hymn ’ , that ‘ these [ invocations of Elbereth ] and other references to religion in The Lord of the Rings are frequently overlooked ’ ( Road , p. 65 ) .
18 The study of religion in the context of local history will be influenced by such things as ‘ Was the area dominated by a religious institution in medieval times ? ’
19 It certainly was a curious experience to flaunt one 's religion in the face of London .
20 The beginnings of this idea emerge well from a passage in The Lord of the Rings which has been singled out for especially ferocious criticism : the parting of Treebeard from Celeborn and Galadriel in The Return of the King , p. 259 :
21 But what about the state of the visual arts in the home of David Cox and Edward Burne-Jones ?
22 There are already several institutions of which we can be proud , and I understand that Cardiff may have a centre for the performing arts in the form of a new opera house .
23 Such a statement seems assuring enough , but another by Richard Luce , Minister for the Arts in the House of Commons , could be construed as less so :
24 Dregs in the bottom of a bottle .
25 I 'll never forget when he came home one night a few months ago and said he 'd met this old man who could tell fortunes by reading the dregs in the bottom of a beer glass .
26 Indeed , Gregory almost admitted as much at the end of the Histories when he asked his successors in the bishopric of Tours to preserve his works intact , allowing no alteration to them , except their versification .
27 Moreover , Forester ( like most of his contemporaries and successors in the sphere of the naval sea-novel ) offered enough young characters to reassure boys and girls engaging with adult fiction , since he rearranged historical fact to the extent that his midshipmen were invariably between fourteen and eighteen : those older , even middle-aged men , soured by repeated failure to pass as lieutenants , were not suitable for his purpose .
28 If Donuel ( Domnall ) , father of Talorcan 's successors in the kingship of the Picts , first Gartnait and then Drest , could be securely identified as Domnall Brecc , formerly king of Dál Riata , Gartnait and Drest could perhaps be viewed as the beneficiaries of an alliance between the Scots and the northern Angles against the Picts ; but Donuel 's identification with Domnall Brecc is not certain , and what could have been a break in the succession of kings of the Picts occurred from 663 to 665/6 between the death of Gartnait and the accession of Drest .
29 By the time Jamal Hamadan , accompanied by Sami Jafaar , arrived in Cyprus to meet his old friend at the Filanta hotel , Sergeant Mikalis had been banished to police school in Germany , and his successors in the room down the hall from the ‘ hot ’ suite had been drilled by Coleman to within an inch of their lives .
30 It thus appears most unlikely that Fahreddin Acemi could have held the kadilik of Edirne for a significant period and much more likely that he never held it at all ; and in this respect , in his not holding a kadilik simultaneously with the Muftilik , Fahreddin Acemi seems not only to differ from his predecessors but also to resemble all his successors in the office of Mufti .
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