Example sentences of "[noun] in [noun sg] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 There are substantial grounds for regarding opting out as the most radical and successful experiment in state schooling for 30 years .
2 I left the aircraft in order to go for de-briefing but I got as far only as the jetty when an attack was made on the Sunderland by three Me109 aircraft .
3 Scottish Hydro decided to go to war , but with environmental considerations in mind opted for a psychological approach rather than the shotgun option .
4 look please at item four , on page one , three , four second paragraph , the contingency fund is designed to provide funds in order to pay for major repairs or replacements which may arise in the future these accounts do not include the contingency fund despite strong recommendations from , can you explain please Mr ?
5 Steel , also designated as a key recovery sector immediately after the war , was a key input into major export industries such as ships ( and in turn the development of huge ore-carrying ships allowed the Japanese steel industry to overcome a major disadvantage in transport costs for materials ) .
6 He deserted the safe cloisters of that college in order to teach for the Workers ' Educational Association : he had been leader of the Labour group on Oxford City Council since 1934 .
7 One of the ‘ cattle men ’ turned up one day at Costa Rica 's legitimate airport and had to be rescued by Fernandez : in his cattle-man 's briefcase were $5,000 in cash to pay for workers on the strip , a spare cassette from North for Fernandez 's KL-43 encrypting device , and brown manila envelopes from the White House containing photographs of Fernandez with Reagan .
8 Indeed , it is amazing that Sir Leon Brittan should still refer to these ‘ costs ’ long after Pöhl has said quite clearly that they are irrelevant : ‘ the repeated reference to alleged huge savings in transaction costs for the currencies of a single currency area are not in the least convincing ’ .
9 If the council thinks that you have given away or used up savings in order to qualify for , or increase the amount of your benefit they can treat you as still having those savings .
10 The council can negotiate with the applicant in advance to ask for changes to the scheme and these can result in new drawings being submitted .
11 Judge Patrick Medd sentenced Kerry to 12 months in jail suspended for two years …
12 Judge William Crawford sentenced her to three months in jail suspended for two years and ordered her to pay £50 costs .
13 The costs and risks involved indicated that it would have been very difficult to convince investors to invest in the generating company National Power if it had been responsible for the nuclear power stations , even though it had been given control of the majority of the generating capacity in order to compensate for this .
14 All results are expressed as marker/creatinine concentration ratios in order to standardise for differences in timing of the urine collection .
15 The Quins were embarrassed to discover yesterday that Troy Coker , the wandering Wallaby , had already left England in readiness to play for Queensland against Fiji in Suva this weekend .
16 If an SSR responds to an SPR which originated from an external client , then it is the responsibility of the LIFESPAN user who submitted the SPR in LIFESPAN to arrange for a copy of the SSR to be sent to the client .
17 If an SSR responds to an SPR which originated from an external client , then it is the responsibility of the user who submitted the SPR in LIFESPAN to arrange for a copy of the SSR to be sent to the client .
18 As the story of a white woman who rides into the Mexican mountains to be sacrificed , naked and unprotesting , to the god of the Indians in order to maintain for them ‘ The mastery that man must hold , and that passes from race to race ’ , this piece , particularly when contrasted with Sweeney Agonistes , makes clear the essential difference between Eliot 's interest in the savage and that of Lawrence .
19 The attack on Quine therefore has two prongs , the rejection of MP and an attempt to show that we do not need to be atomists in order to account for the possibility of language learning .
20 The whole story is that I was asked to ride Docklands Express , Cool Ground , Auntie Dot and Bonanza Boy in home gallops for the television cameras and then to compare the quartet .
21 The Hungarian Secretary of State in the Ministry of Trade , Imre Dunai , said on Jan. 19 that the decision was partly a response to an IMF-imposed condition which required Hungary to balance its rouble settlements in order to qualify for further credit .
22 But when their parent can no longer be left alone and they decide , as many of them do , to leave work in order to care for her full time , their major problems begin .
23 There nevertheless remain some aspects of the scheme which demonstrate how difficult it seems to be for government to jettison the original ideas of the Beveridge Report ; for example , the Invalid Care Allowance ( ICA ) , which was introduced as recently as 1976 , is not payable to married women on the grounds that they are likely to be at home anyway and hence not in need of compensation for giving up paid work in order to care for a chronically sick person in their household ( Groves and Finch , 1983 ) ; the tax system ( which is not under detailed discussion here ) still assumes that all men need an additional allowance to help pay for the cost of ‘ keeping ’ a wife .
24 In the middle of November the Eliots travelled to America , where he made five public appearances in order to pay for their forthcoming holiday in Barbados after Christmas — as long as he could " hobble up a stage " , he could still pay for such trips .
25 Each spurt in investment has for a time been halfway successful in boosting harvests and production , but policy to date has failed to grasp the nettles of productivity , variety , distribution and responsible land use .
26 The range in skill required for these experiments is , however , too large ; some can be carried out by a student at home while others require specialised equipment costing thousands of pounds .
27 We may even do this through becoming ill , working ourselves into the ground or suppressing our own needs in order to care for others .
28 Anthony Wedgwood-Benn renounced his peerage in order to stand for election to the House of Commons .
29 Even those who support the view of a gradual assimilation of legacy and trust in the classical period in order to account for examples of loose language have some difficulty here : for nobody really wants to suppose that this process had got very far in Celsus ' day .
30 And to , to resign and to bring the new leader in charge to settle for a time .
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