Example sentences of "[noun] in [art] [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 There is a feeling of light in the best of Green 's work and a directness and freshness in the use of aquatint and of line .
2 The Lord of the Rings is quite clearly , then , a story of virtuous pagans in the darkest of dark pasts , before all but the faintest premonitions of dawn and revelation .
3 The race is set to be one of the star attractions in the second of the trial Sunday meetings on November 15 .
4 But first they had had a late tea in the smaller of the drawing-rooms .
5 The greatest exponent in the 1960s of a European policy independent of Washington was Charles de Gaulle who never accepted that France should be subsidiary to US ideological leadership .
6 I am convinced that current practice in the best of our primary schools is second to none and I know this view is also held by educators in other parts of the world .
7 Table 2.1 gives additional information about these two broad industrial areas , showing that it is in the retail trade and the hotels and catering industry in the first of these , and public administration , education , medical services , " other services to the public " , recreational and cultural services and personal services in the second , where the proportion of temporary workers is greatest and/or where an important share of the temporary workforce is to be found .
8 Grover & read ( 1983 ) performed a similar study in the Ordovician of Virginia , and related the sequence to diagenetic changes resulting from changes in formation water composition during shallow and deep burial .
9 It is in such conditions that we should look for an explanation of the outcrop in the 1860s of sensational popular fiction , replete with desertion , adultery , bigamy and sudden death ; much of it was written from the woman 's point of view by women writers , such as Mary Braddon , Rhoda Broughton and Mrs Henry Wood .
10 He had caught up with and passed his rival in a latter of a few strides in a quite extraordinary spurt of acceleration for a steeple-chaser carrying twelve and a half stone at the end of a three-mile chase , and for the big horse it was simply too much : Mill House weakened rapidly and by the time Arkle had strode home to a rapturous reception Mill House had been passed by Rondetto .
11 De Gaulle did not address the electorate in the first of two rounds : Opposition politicians hardly ever ( or never ) seen on TV- did , and had a considerable impact .
12 Sieve the flours and salt together twice then toss the cherries in a little of the flour .
13 The recognition in the 1820s of the new Latin-American republics as independent states is said to have increased the workload of the British foreign office by a half , while in the later decades of the nineteenth century commercial and economic diplomacy and the need to influence the new force of mass public opinion were making new and unprecedented demands .
14 Other areas with exploration potential in Scotland include Vidlin , in the Dalradian of Shetland , and Gairloch in the Lewisian of north-west Scotland .
15 With players like Stephen Martin , Kenny Morris , Billy McConnell , Alan Roper , Geoff Clarke , Stephen Smyrl and Martin Deery all sidelined for various reasons , it seemed that Holywood would n't seriously test the visitors in the first of their three weekend games against leading Ulster opposition .
16 Save for one mention of a PLO official in Beirut — the spokesman slugging champagne at the diplomatic reception — Yassir Arafat 's organisation did not receive a single reference in the thousands of words I wrote .
17 There are massive quartzites of similar type in the Ordovician of other parts of the world , from Bulgaria to the Canadian Rockies , but in my ignorance I will not risk saying that they are of exactly the same age .
18 Then the numbers of positive , zero , and negative elements in the diagonal of unc are invariant with B.
19 In the '70s , the family enjoyed a number of hits on Stax and , while Pop retains a firm belief in the efficacy of prayer , he continues to wrap his social and spiritual concerns in the funkiest of backbeats .
20 They move towards the sound of gunfire , a slow wave of grey flannel , chattering amiably among themselves , with no urgency , no uncertainty on this or many other matters , old folk in the kindest of retirement homes .
21 He would rather have parachuted out of an aircraft a dozen times with full equipment in the dead of night , than spend a night on a ship .
22 In a broader context , it can , as ideological preference may urge , be regarded either as part of the exercise in the 1860s of that liberal political wisdom which freely conceded timely advances to the advocates of change and so harnessed their energies and aspirations to the support of the general interest in the maintenance of stability and the creation of wealth in a prospering nation ; or as part of the calculated manipulation of events so as to ensure the preservation of the existing social structure against fundamental changes such as the institution of a juster order would require .
23 The results of the factor analysis of the responses of the Oxfordshire teachers were very similar to those of the Solihull secondary school teachers ( Turner and Clift , 1985 ) , despite the inclusion in the former of teachers working in the primary and middle phases .
24 Of interest to users who like to knock their PCs around a bit is the inclusion in the some of the new Seagate drives of new SafeRite shock sensing technology .
25 We have also set up a couple of microphones in the real of the hall to break up the echoes which would otherwise bounce off that wall . ’
26 It conjures up one 's own favourite dreams and appeals to the child in every one of us , young and old .
27 The first is that three nuns from the same order work in the largest of the villages , Kormakiti , and so we provide a useful link .
28 It is the general practice for players to receive all prizemonies on offer , so consider the example of Lancashire last July in the first of the two knockout finals when the players received over £1000 each for finishing second to Worcestershire .
29 We see : in ex.5a the first violins with this theme combination ; in ex.5b the first oboe in a parallel spot ; in ex.5c on the upper stave the cellos ( in the tenor clef ) first with the twice-repeated dotted linear theme , then the angular four-note theme , marked with strokes , joining ( now in the bass clef ) in bar 401 the basses in a third of the five themes ; on the lower stave the basses announcing the angular theme , with strokes , followed by a dotted fragment of the linear theme ( in support of the cellos ) leading into the third theme with its signal-like opening and descending quaver passagework .
30 He seems most at home in the thick of a hectic scrap for victory .
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