Example sentences of "[noun] in [pron] the first " in BNC.

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1 Compounds in which the first element is a number in some form also tend to have final stress :
2 The deputy judge had before him a probate action in which the first defendant , Mr. Clive Smith , sought to obtain probate of a manuscript document bearing the date 18 April 1986 , and said to be a testamentary disposition made by the deceased , Mr. Percy Winterbone .
3 To do so means asking some questions about the relative strengths and weaknesses of the male compositors " trade union , the Scottish Typographical Association ( STA ) and in particular its Edinburgh branch , the Edinburgh Typographical Society ( ETS ) ; about the potential recruits for strike-breaking , whether these were non-union men , apprentice boys or women and girls ; and about the circumstances in which the first women crossed the threshold of Messrs Constable 's and Chambers 's offices in December 1872 or January 1873 .
4 There is some reason to doubt that all the discrepancies can be eliminated by taking account of the short-term/long-term distinction : Lantz 's ( 1973 ) demonstration of superior latent inhibition with spaced trials came from a procedure in which the first conditioning trial followed the last trial of pre-exposure ; James ' ( 1971 ) demonstration of perfect retention used , in training , the interstimulus intervals typical of studies of short-term habituation .
5 There is always a first sentence in which the first phrase demands continuity , the second then providing repose .
6 There are three essentially different ways in which the first step can be influenced .
7 CANADA 'S Daniel Wesley won the BSAD-ADT London Wheelchair marathon at his third attempt , following a sprint finish on Westminster Bridge in which the first four competitors all achieved times inside Frenchman Farid Amarouch 's 1991 course record .
8 It is also illustrated in the ‘ doubling ’ technique of using double exposures in which the first shot is read , not photographically , but as a signifying element whose referent is the second shot ( Krauss 1985b , p. 109 ) .
9 It is also illustrated in the ‘ doubling ’ technique of using exposures in which the first shot is read , not photographically , but as a signifying element whose referent is the second shot .
10 Enteroscopy has identified small intestinal lesions in a further 30–40% of patients in whom the first line investigations were normal .
11 Of course a chronological narrative can be constructed , but the history of physics in fact has its own temporality in which the first event after Aristotle was Newton , the second was Einstein , the third black holes , etc .
12 One case was previously published and the second was in a patient in whom the first polyp was discovered and biopsied in December 1986 .
13 A good example is provided by his comment on the way in which the first editor of the journal Nature allowed his personal opinions to intrude upon its pages : ‘ [ Norman ] Lockyer sometimes forgets that he is only the editor and not the author of Nature . ’
14 There seems to be a degree of formal connection between them , a way in which the first tense conditions all the others , and it would be very strange if the exchange had been :
15 That was the same year in which the first of the classic Austin-Healey line , the four cylinder 100–4 went into production , having been adopted by Austin from a Healey design shown at the previous year 's show .
16 They discussed and they reached a conclusion ; as a result a new church school — Curry Rivel Parochial School — was built in Church Street in 1876 , the year in which the first of two Acts was passed making school attendance compulsory .
17 This is a limited virial expansion in which the first term is the classical va n't Hoff expression for the osmotic pressure at infinite dilution .
18 I remember waking with my face in it the first whole night we spent together .
19 These are the Fieldnames but in many spreadsheets the cells in which the first row of data is entered are just as important , if not more so than the names themselves .
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