Example sentences of "[noun] and been [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It 's not much use arriving somewhere at ten in the morning clutching the collected works under your arm and wishing you had a wig and been born thirty years earlier in order to play Lear — or for that matter the Duke of Gloucester .
2 Only problems were that one of them had had been snapped off at the legs and been reglued direct to the base , presumably in an effort to replicate Bremner 's short stature , and also in an effort to simulate Albert Johanneson ( or was it Gerry ? ? ) brown paint had been splurged all over one player , rendering his kit a mucky pink .
3 There had been sightings , his family was powerful enough to keep him hidden and safe from the inevitable hanging ‘ should he show his face on the shores of Albion again' — a favourite phrase of Joseph 's , picked up from a knife-grinder whose preoccupation with Bligh , the Bounty and the Mutiny had almost equalled Joseph 's as witnessed in a fierce contest of informational prowess contested in the snug of the Bull in Lorton where the knife-grinder had eventually conceded defeat and been given several unexpected commissions ( including one from the vicar of Cockermouth who disliked Joseph intensely and produced a cluster of blunt knives and dullest scissors to prove it ) as compensation .
4 After all , he could have been thrown from his horse and been lying injured on the moors in the middle of a fierce storm .
5 ML 6 , caught in a searchlight , was also hit and afire , and survivors from the two craft drifted down river on rafts , many of them badly wounded — Micky Wynn had lost an eye and been rescued unconscious from the MTB 's charthouse .
6 I later found out that the school had enquired at the house after the girl 's continued absence and been given some plausible excuse for it by the father .
7 There are people who have been brought in unconscious for no apparent reason , who have had car accidents and been cut free by the fire brigade and rushed in for emergency treatment following accidents .
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