Example sentences of "[noun] and ask [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 A surly man stepped from a trailer doorway and asked me for money .
2 Mr Quarmby describes himself as going ‘ cap in hand to the recording companies and asking them for advance rental income ’ .
3 Erm he wrote to Photo Gallery and asked them for er an exhibition date and they gave him one in nineteen ninety .
4 So with this going on we found our company would get on better if I had collateral so I wrote to this boy and asked him for a million and put it in a trust fund that I would get after his death , and we that way so okay .
5 They were always touching each other ; they fucked the lecturers and asked them for money for drugs .
6 Would you like to go to grandma and ask her for a cloth ?
7 Talk to your church leader or youth leader and ask them for advice and prayer support .
8 A brave reporter thrust a microphone under his nose and asked him for his comments .
9 Position a different 6 people 5 metres away from the same wall and ask them for their estimates .
10 Having had the good fortune to fall in with Gabriel outside Cat 's Coffee Shop as she was on her way home , he had seized his chance and asked her for an early supper .
11 Some of us were concerned about speaking to customers and asking them for their observations .
12 To embroider the sampler , we turned to some multiple agencies and asked them for their recommendations of good value on a £1,000 booking for four people .
13 At Zog Central they found the policewoman and asked her for the key to their spaceship .
14 erm I would suggest that anybody who 's really erm concerned in the way you were can either approach their local Education Authority and ask them for some kind of information on this .
15 Give him a call and ask him for some winners . ’
16 ‘ Thoo 's walked 'ome from chapel together every Sunday for a couple o' years and now , when 'e does t'decent thing and asks me for thi 'and , thoo 's refusing . ’
17 First of all , I think Stapleton told you to write the letter to Sir Charles and to ask him for help .
18 Thinking about this one morning in 1954 , I went along to the keeper of the laboratory chemical stores and asked him for something which was water-soluble and formed needle crystals .
19 This is to do with drawing people into a situation and asking them for their thoughts and feelings .
20 I went to visit him at the Benedictine monastery at Nashdom and asked him for any insights which he could give me from his experience in Accra .
21 I moved some girls into the middle and asked them for their guesses .
22 One day in April , Horsley , Walsh and Everett spent the morning in Manchester meeting the Co-op insurance company and asking them for a £750,000 investment , before rushing straight round to the Council Economic Development Committee to pitch for another £500,000 .
23 After her marriage Signor Cantoni 's mother had seemed unable to bear a child so she took a large bunch of carnations to the Madonna and asked her for the gift of a baby .
24 Claris looks out from under her limp-brimmed woollen hat and asks me for an orange with a charming broken-toothed smile .
25 ‘ Kristian is very good with fans when they see him the street and ask him for autographs .
26 Daisy was screwing up her courage to accost Ricky and ask him for a drink after church when the Vicar launched into the final prayer about being made flesh , and she suddenly remembered the vast ox heart cooking in the oven for Ethel , which would burn dry if it was n't taken out , so she belted home .
27 His technique was to go up to one at a literary party and ask her for a cigarette .
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