Example sentences of "[noun] and in [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 This in itself is alarming , but a further probable consequence of this is even more alarming : whereas in the past local authorities would censor in isolation and in response to local pressure , the tendency now may be to follow ‘ the party line ’ .
2 ‘ Boxing titles are won and lost in the ring and in order to be a champion , you must fight the champion and beat the champion .
3 Dundonald International Ice Bowl offers a comprehensive league and tournament programme and in addition to the competition it is a great way to make new friends .
4 We all have to interpret our fluctuating fortunes in the light of deeper states of mind and in relation to profound and sometimes shifting beliefs .
5 Various behaviours are used to induce a loss in weight and in addition to the obvious ones of the avoidance of foot and undereating , including binge eating , self-induced vomiting , laxative use and the use of other drugs ( appetite suppressants and diuretics ) .
6 But these values were much influenced by the changes in the value of the dollar , both in relation to other currencies and in relation to world prices .
7 Such ideals were grandiose both in their conception and in relation to the practicalities of post-war reconstruction .
8 Thirdly , however , the focus on ethnicity as part of the discourse of cultural pluralism and diversity pays scant attention to the highly complex , contextually variable and economically and politically influenced drawing and redrawing of boundaries that takes place in encounters within the minority communities and in relation to white groups .
9 A KGB operative and counterintelligence officer for 32 years , Kalugin had been forced to retire in March , apparently because he had complained to the CPSU central committee and in letters to Gorbachev about the need for fundamental reforms of the KGB .
10 Such an arrangement combines rigidity with flexibility and in addition to its protective function the cuticle determines the form of the insect , its relative impermeability to water reduces desiccation and it provides a firm basis for the attachment of muscles .
11 The current year , the ninety three ninety four year I have figures only up to the end of December and in comparison to the previous full twelve months the number of applications is almost as high in the first three quarters of the year but the fee income is about half what had been received for the full previous year and that is the problem that we 're facing , that the number of applications , the amount of work is , is staying the same or is indeed increasing slightly , er but the fee income , because of the nature of the the applications and the fee regime that is charged , is actually falling off quite rapidly .
12 The expressive scale begins with an examination of the child 's use of words to express emotional states and in response to specific situations — for example , ‘ ta ’ on taking something — and proceeds to explore the child 's command of simple vocabulary items through picture naming and in response to requests for definitions — for example , ‘ What is a shop ? ’
13 Newson ( 1979 ) has argued that process studies in geomorphology seek to quantify three systems ; the mechanical sediment system , the chemical system , and the hydrological system , and it is notable that progress towards the quantification of these systems has been achieved by greater cooperation of physical geographers with scientists in other disciplines and in response to requirements of engineers and planners for resource information .
14 The upsurge of interest in tachistoscopic laterality research which has taken place during the last two decades or so can be traced in part to the split-brain investigations and in part to an experiment conducted by Mishkin and Forgays ( 1952 ) .
15 He says he 's tried guinea pig and dummy rabbit but there 's been no response and in answer to question says he hopesto she 'll break the diet tonight .
16 Those schools who changed their outlook and practice in respect of relationships with parents and the community did so for their own reasons and in response to their own sense of priorities and needs .
17 Differences in median cellular proportions of the four IgG subclasses among thse groups and in relation to the controls were determined by Wilcoxon 's two tailed test for unpaired samples .
18 From all this information the team drew up a matrix of crafts , materials and local resources , analysed technologies applied locally and attempted to order skills development in level of difficulty and in relation to social custom as a preliminary to curriculum design .
19 erm I think really what erm what should happen is that erm you , with your manager , ought to look at the the erm to establish and agreed job description and in addition to the notes that are are are there erm I have some sample job descriptions from other parts of the Press which have been completed as a framework job and erm we can discuss that in any kind of detail you want .
20 Their functions were transferred partly to lower-tier authorities , partly to new single-purpose joint authorities and in part to the Secretary of State .
21 The overall quietness , awe inspiring , almost like a mediaeval cathedral , was due in part to the forms and in part to the arrangement of those forms .
22 Restaurants , antique and craft shops can be found in and around the township and in addition to the Castle currently undergoing environmental works , visitors are intrigued by the thriving ancient Corporation with its Portreeve , Jury and Common Attorney etc. which retains with pride local customs dating back to its 13th Century Charter .
23 An example of the objectionable content of the draft was the call for relaxation of controls over private sector housing : ‘ local authorities should not lay down requirements on the mix of house types , provision of garages , internal standards , sizes of private gardens , location of houses on plots and in relation to each other , provision of private open space . ’
24 Files will also be built around specific themes ( eg divisions in Northern Irish society , education , health , housing etc. ) identified by the principal investigators and in response to requests from researchers .
25 Can you imagine going into a Hi-Fi , VCR or camera shop and in response to a question about Bitstream Processing , Nicam Transmission or intelligent autofocus respectively , you were told the above ?
26 Sir Louis was a great advocate for the cutters and in addition to the official cruises he often spent the odd informal day out with us , sometimes bringing his wife , family and little dog .
27 It was then , and still is now , very much an island holiday paradise , but it 's come a long way from what were fairly basic beginnings and in addition to natural beauty can now offer resorts as modern and sophisticated as anywhere else in the Med .
28 These were to be based on a number of polytechnics and other further education establishments which already possessed strong departments of management and in some cases the designation related to a single establishment and in others to a grouping of two or more colleges .
29 Bukharin 's work The Economics of the Transition Period has a special place in his writings and in relation to the period in which it was written .
30 In parallel with USL 's initiative and in response to IBM 's transaction processing announcements , Unix International is also throwing its weight behind the Tuxedo push with the publication of a guide for integrating USL 's TP monitor with mainframe CICS .
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