Example sentences of "[noun] and one for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The sodium chloride or rock salt type of structure also consists of two cubicstructures — one for the cations and one for the anions .
2 It is often easier to view the structure of ionic crystals as two parts — one for the anions and one for the cations .
3 One for the master one for the dame and one for the little boy who lives down the lane .
4 Notice that there are three occurrences of \d , two for the main entry and one for the subentry .
5 There are rumours from other regions of two manpower lists , one for local consumption and one for the Department of Health .
6 In this version of LIFESPAN RDBI the maximum number of mappings that should ever be specified is 301 i.e. one for every user specified at the USER ACCESS , MODULE ACCESS and DC ACCESS keywords and one for the Manager .
7 A major influence was undoubtedly the personality of the dean himself , but the essential catalysts were the decision by the department of anatomy that it could no longer continue to operate two separate curricula — one for the traditional course and one for the parallel track — and the decision by several of the charitable funders of the new pathway that future grants would be available only if the scheme was adopted throughout the school .
8 and the two court orders , they , they 'd had one court one cheque and one for the other
9 in March and one for an hour .
10 You will need two Vero Plugblocks if using this method of construction — one for the transmitter and one for the receiver .
11 Each frequency required two plug-in crystals , one for the transmitter and one for the receiver but at the push of a button it self-turned .
12 And er he used to go there for meat but he used to buy two lots , one for his o his own place and one for the farm he had you see .
13 I believe two coaches erm , one for the R group and one for the G group
14 There were five television sets in the house now : one for the nursery , one for the nanny 's room , one for her and Brian 's bedroom , one for their sitting-room and one for the room off the kitchen .
15 The solicitor presents copy summonses ( two copies for the court and one for every defendant ) at the court office with the particulars of claim , medical reports , details of special damage and fee .
16 And it was two remote controls , one for the video and one for the television ,
17 There 's two methods of policing , one for the decent people and one for the trouble-makers .
18 Usually usually what they do , they have one taxi for the bridegroom 's people and one for the bride 's people .
19 They 're saying one thing for one sex and one for the other . ’
20 I won one for the poem and one for the song .
21 Each sock has to be four feet long , three feet for the leg and one for the foot .
22 One for life and one for a selected period .
23 One for the windows and one for the phone points .
24 So we had tunics with just two pockets , one for a book and one for a whistle .
25 Three points are awarded for a win and one for a draw with Derby , Bristol City and West Ham also in Rovers ' group .
26 When acting on such a double transaction it 's more efficient , and saves time and confusion , to keep two separate files , one for the sale and one for the purchase — never keep both on the same file .
27 As there are two separate applications — one for the King 's Cross project and one for the high-speed link — it is difficult to see how the two environmental assessments can be taken together .
28 Place a blob for each corner and one for the centre of each slab .
29 Three different tapes were made , two for the judgment phase and one for the recognition phase , each judgment tape contained 24 films , one of each pair , the recognition tape contained the full 48 films .
30 She has been teaching approximately 10 hours a week including one session for children and one for the elderly .
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