Example sentences of "[noun] and [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 We must sustain the infrastructure of the arts in this time of recession by spreading the funds available to all forms of the arts and not to a select few with a special clout .
2 Flight tests were conducted by F/L Ian Little , initially under tow behind a Jeep and later behind a Tiger Moth .
3 When they meet one another , they gingerly caress each other 's long legs and only after a great deal of hesitation do they come to closer quarters .
4 Hanging accessories , known as ‘ D ’ rings , are best fixed to the hardboard with rivets , which are secured by pushing through the ring and then through a hole made in the hardboard , before being split open with a hammer .
5 Gallup 's survey was conducted on Tuesday and yesterday among a sample of 2,478 voters .
6 As well as his own impressions ( and further reading ) , it draws on the comments made by his colleagues on the field trips and especially during a whole day 's discussion that we were privileged to have , at Uig Community Centre on 2 October 1980 , with many of those most closely involved in the development of the Western Isles .
7 He had been a survivor of many of the major actions of the war , firstly as a volunteer soldier and later as a commissioned officer .
8 All these groups are concerned that the EC should develop organically as a co-operative trading bloc and not as a bureaucratic United States of Europe .
9 Resumption of power operations is scheduled by mid-September and apart from a further short shutdown to refuel early in 1994 , PFR will continue to generate electricity up until March 1994 .
10 There is a move by many environmental agencies both in Mexico and elsewhere for a return to traditional forms of agriculture , as they are considered to be better for the environment .
11 And I think this social position is more apparent to the informant and the variation in role relations more marked than if the interviewer is an outsider and not in a particular relation to the speakers from the outset .
12 Rigid solids are much harder to get hold of in tension and so for a long time such testing as was done was confined to compression and bending .
13 It comes out of your mouth and instead of a mask over your face , your this tube connects directly to the ventilator and the anaesthetic machine .
14 However , eight blocks have been licensed in Cardigan Bay , against the advice of the Joint Nature Conservation Committee , near one of the country 's two marine nature reserves and home to a population of bottle-nosed dolphins .
15 Return the sauce to the saucepan and then to a low heat , stirring constantly until it is thick enough to coat a spoon .
16 Just do Wicken on a Tuesday you know , cut the meat as you go , not orders there and then on the Friday , George would go to Upware on a Friday and then on a Saturday we used to do the Fen round again , down Fen on the earth road at black , no concrete there just the black earth with ruts about that deep , some places , cos the Fen earth you li bulges out so and er my father used to go to Wicken Saturday afternoon .
17 The Court of Appeal stated that it was impermissible to make a finding of 100% contributory negligence , as the Act states that the plaintiff must suffer damage partly as a result of his own fault and partly as a result of the defendant 's fault .
18 The latter validate courses in polytechnics and also in a number of the colleges of higher education ; they include courses leading to awards such as the Diploma of the Institute of Administrative Management ; the Diploma of the British Association of Occupational Therapists ; the Licentiateship of the Hotel , Catering and Institutional Management Association ; the Certificate of Qualification in Social Work ; and the Bilingual Secretarial Diploma .
19 The Italian thinks that if he can ever sing Puccini the climax of his life has been reached ; but even so , with all the omissions that can be charged against Italy — such that as a musical country she ceased to exist after the seventeenth century and has certainly reached deliquescence with Messrs Malpiero , Pratella and Co — she even now does produce from time to time singers who are not merely singers but great artists , as Battistini who , at over 60 , is an example for those who can take it of the extent to which a voice can be preserved in all its beauty when it is used as a musical instrument and not as a fog siren or a pair of nutcrackers . ’
20 An example is where a director has agreed to try to sell shares on behalf of the shareholders , in which case he is acting as their agent and not as a director of the company .
21 What these various movements had in common was that they provoked confrontations , first in the [ United States and then to a lesser extent in Britain , which highlighted features of law and its enforcement that made academic , positivist criminology look ; extremely complacent and conservative .
22 The boy , arms and legs as thin as sticks , his eyes dark and round in a long , white face , came over , his thumb stuck in his mouth .
23 Ultimately , however , the beavers ' lake , like any other , will fill with sediment and turn first into a swamp and then into a level green grassland .
24 Now here takes over , under pressure he is from Chris back inside his own half , taking over is Nicky , blasts that one forward towards Graham he 's trying to hook it out to on this right hand side and that one goes well beyond David and out for a throw-in .
25 ‘ Perhaps it 's just as well , ’ murmured David and then in a quite different voice he said : ‘ Mama ! ’
26 Adorno preferred instead to see fetishism as part of an objective social totality and not as a characteristic of human subjectivity ( Frisby 1985 , pp. 233–72 ) .
27 If nothing is readily available you find yourself trying to thaw out the cheesecake from the bottom of the freezer ( nobody will miss it , will they ? ) , or working out how long it will take you to get to the shops and back with a bag-full of goodies .
28 If he knew what I wanted he 'd be out of the car and away in a flash of shock .
29 Several people complimented her on the beauty of the surroundings , because it was her picnic and so for a while Wales was her dining-room .
30 The way to secure future prosperity is by embracing change not resisting it and as my honourable friend er indicates , by using our skills to best effect and competitively in a global market place were we to embrace the policies of members opposite in the European community we would shut the job , the door to the jobs which will come from that inward investment because we have opted out of the social chapter we do indeed have the opportunity that comes from being , if I may qui may quote er President Delors a pa a paradise for inward investment .
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