Example sentences of "[noun] and [verb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Corbett nodded , rose and moved away ; he emptied his bladder and went to a nearby stream to bathe his hands and face in the cold clear water .
2 But at that moment their creaking conveyance gave a sudden fearsome jerk and came to a dead stop .
3 Any schemes which promote the arts and lead to a wider understanding are obviously most welcome .
4 In a tribal village , in Africa say , a boy is born to a particular woman who , obeying the customs of her people , proceeds to rear him either under conditions of high sociability or relative isolation and according to a particular regime of toilet training and weaning .
5 They are not to be looked at in isolation and followed to the letter , but if you 're not sure about style , they will give you some useful ideas .
6 Read the whole case again , read all the symptoms of the remedy and refer to the Materia Medica of the most common remedies at the back of the book for the final comparison which does not rely on the numerical evaluation .
7 He sacrificed , he sacrificed the quick movement , the rapid changes of circumstance which a certain kind of reader demands , in order to match his description of thinking and feeling to the actual pace at which these things are experienced in real life .
8 Always taking cold which settles in the nose , throat or ears and goes to the chest .
9 She sat and stared along the Edge , down into the dale , not bothering to strain her ears and listen to the radio , because she knew it was pointless .
10 Remove the garlic ; pour in the stock and bring to the boil .
11 Add stock and bring to the boil .
12 Add drained peas , herbs and stock and bring to the boil .
13 Had Buksh taken the appropriate action on each occasion — a yellow card and pointing to the spot respectively — we might have been spared the subsequent skirmishing :
14 He is observing the electron being deflected by the magnetic field in the Stern -Gerlach experiment and listening to the Geiger counters to see whether it is the one at A or the one at B which clicks .
15 I gave up being a bird watcher and succumbed to the delicious trippery feel of sun on my back and sand on my front .
16 Local man Paul McAllister heard the screams and raced to the scene with a ladder which he used to reach a bedroom window .
17 Taking hold of a strong branch , he finally cleared the escape hatch with his legs and dropped to the ground .
18 I sat on one of those contemporary chairs with spindly legs and talked to a poor woman who had got me as a prize for writing something about A Wreath of Roses .
19 The new ‘ sociology of deviance ’ suggested hooligans were not abnormal young people and that the whole phenomenon — like the Mods and Rockers panic before — had been ‘ amplified ’ by the popular press in order to boost their circulation and pander to the prejudices of their readers .
20 She lay awake for a long time , looking at a pattern of moonlight on the stone floor of the bedroom and listening to the distant complaints of the chained dog she now knew to belong to Buck Kettering .
21 The channel of communication is the copper wire which carries the electrical signals and runs to the distant end .
22 Take himself off to Yzordderrex and set up business with Peccable ; marry Hoi-Polloi despite her crossed eyes ; have a litter of kids and retire to the Hills of the Conscious Cloud , in the Third , and raise parrots .
23 When she stepped from the changing-room and walked to the poolside , however , she was greeted with the usual enthusiasm , especially from Belinda , who attached herself once again and trailed round the pool behind her , loudly voicing her admiration , and , to Rachel 's embarrassment , drawing attention to the new swimsuit .
24 ‘ Come in , English Clerk , ’ the Bishop beckoned Corbett and Ranulf to the bench before his table .
25 As they rounded the bend towards Westminster , Ranulf nudged Corbett and pointed to the near bank .
26 Real Madrid never recovered from an own goal by Brazilian defender Rocha and crashed to a 2–0 UEFA Cup defeat against Torino at Turin .
27 During the course of the story Tottle is arrested for theft and taken to a sponging-house , from which he is rescued by Parsons .
28 At some later date he abandoned all his offices and journeyed to the Hijaz ( which journey both Mecdi and el-Kefevi have taken to be for the purpose of going on the pilgrimage ) ; alter his return he did not again hold any office .
29 Appointed lord advocate and admitted to the Privy Council in 1951 , he became lord justice-general and lord president in 1954 .
30 In April President Nursultan Nazarbayev<$ ! = had announced that the 40th Army was to be removed from the Turkestan military district command and subordinated to the CIS joint armed forces C.-in-C .
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