Example sentences of "[noun] and [adv prt] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Monsieur Truffer came in our car and directed us through Cherbourg and up to Bourbourg , which is on a hillside rising behind the east side of the Harbour .
2 The Way continues to Bredon Hill and on to Ashton-under-Hill taking it into the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty .
3 Today I was following not the valley path of the corpse way but the pathway to Keld that runs above Northgang Scar from which the views across to Black Hill and up to Swinner Gill are wonderful .
4 Glue and screw the seat and back in place .
5 She was a gaudy advert for her own talents ; her shaved skull crawling with tattoos that curled down her neck and back like hair .
6 You can start at bronze for a period as short as three months through silver and up to gold which can take 18 months to complete .
7 Go through farmyard and on to road .
8 Such a permit , which might cost £75 a year for cars and up to £750 for heavy lorries , would cost all motorway-users the same .
9 On some mornings the ducks on Three Island Pond would take off in great arcing flights against the sun , round and behind the Cages and out of sight , round again and behind the distant trees and then suddenly back again as if it had all been a mistake and they had never meant to fly off in the first place .
10 ‘ Will your family still be here ? ’ asked Nina , glancing from Rachel to David and back to Rachel again , a slightly bemused look on her face as if she did n't really understand what was happening between them but wished she did .
11 Mungo grinned as the rogue closet sailed past the car and out of sight , its cargo no longer private .
12 Remember how smoothly he glided from Edward Heath 's hip-pocket to Margaret Thatcher 's handbag and on to Mr Major 's glass of warm beer .
13 Too often students go straight from school to college and on to university without seeing any action resulting from their studies .
14 One of the initiatives is to encourage more teacher placements in industry , so that those in education who have gone from school to college and back to school as teachers and who have not experienced life in industry or commerce can be exposed to it , the better to assist their pupils in preparing for a working career .
15 They 're also looking at some of the data integrity erm issues one of which is potentially quite a major problem and the new system will for any qualifying plans , once the new system is in , if a policy 's in arrears it will try and collect the arrears and it will collect up to a maximum of two premiums each month until the policy 's in force and up to date .
16 If they managed to exact a sworn and written abrogation of the Act from every single proprietor in the strath ( and over into Tummel and down past Dunkeld ) , at least they would have built a paper wall round themselves .
17 A virulent form of the endemic bubonic plagues of medieval Europe , it swept across the country from the south-west and down from London .
18 Many years ago we went to Boaventura and back by bus .
19 Allied troops now punched deep into Kuwait and on into Iraq itself in a multi-pronged attack .
20 According to Robert Half and Accountemps , based in the South of England , a newly qualified in Greater London can now expect a starting salary of £28,000 in commerce and industry and up to £26,000 in public practice .
21 Farming is Britain 's major industry and along with forestry is the major user of the hill land .
22 Harry Wood , a professional for twenty years with Surrey and along with Abel one of three who went ‘ on strike ’ in 1896 demanding a £20 match fee to play the Australians , left the game a bitter man .
23 All-year-round protection costs £60 , and that covers the cost of the call-out , the first two hours ' labour and up to £10 of materials on each job .
24 The American film industry could not ignore Vietnam , however ; so the dilemma was resolved by placing the Vietnam veteran out of his natural context of the battlefield and back in America .
25 Orwell was represented by Down and Out in Paris and London and one other volume whose title seized their immediate attention : Homage to Catalonia .
26 Each evening the quayside would be crowded with holidaymakers who made a point of going to watch the long procession of over 100 boats , their lights twinkling as dusk began to fall , pass slowly and majestically down the harbour and out to sea .
27 Where the main leisure route turns left to Culworth , continue on the A361 through Chipping Warden and on to Wardington .
28 Diagrams can take perfectly reliable data and through over simplification deliberately or unintentionally mislead .
29 On 23 November 1917 , the Battalion entrained for Italy and , after a six day journey , arrived at Marseilles and from there along the French Riviera to Ventimiglia and on to Villa del Conte to become part of the XIXth Corps , taking over positions on the Piave , and then on the Asiago Plain .
30 I glide into a bar and out of harm .
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