Example sentences of "[noun] and [vb -s] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Its supporters make the point that it breaks down rigid hierarchies and allows for greater participation in the decision-making process .
2 This is a common confusion and accounts for many weak arguments in sociology and elsewhere .
3 Currently small business represents more than 25pc of UK turnover and accounts for one third of the total workforce .
4 Initially focused on Distributed Computing Environment interoperability testing — something that is apparently much needed — the Foundation says the Interoperability Lab replicates end-user environments and provides for real-world testing and verification .
5 Initially focused on Distributed Computing Environment interoperability testing — apparently much needed ( UX No ) — OSF says the Interoperability Lab replicates end-user environments and provides for real-world testing and verification .
6 Any form of exercise which increase the speed of the heartbeat and lasts for 15 minutes will qualify .
7 The programme ( taught by evening study ) begins in January and lasts for two and a half years .
8 The Longeval Animal Sanctuary rescues and cares for many animals , and also regularly visit inner-city schools taking lambs , goats , piglets , calves , rabbits etc to give the children there the opportunity to see and touch these animals for themselves .
9 Each walk is on a different theme and lasts for 1½–2 hrs and covers approximately 1½–3 miles .
10 The centre actively campaigns to abolish blood sports and cares for sick foxes .
11 The Institution regrets any misunderstanding which may have arisen from the article and apologises for any offence or inconvenience caused to G.L. Watson and Company and Mr J Allen McLachlan .
12 Much inter-bank lending in Eurocurrency takes place and accounts for much of the business .
13 The disease front has been moving ahead by fits and starts for most of the last two decades and three years ago crossed the Italian frontier into the provinces of South Tyrol and Venice .
14 The International Guitar Festival Of Great Britain starts on Monday and continues for two weeks .
15 Every day , at 10am , Grachev picks up the telephone to Yeltsin and speaks for five minutes .
16 This effort to unite what can not be united lies at the heart of the haiku and accounts for some of its tense , sad loveliness .
17 The softness is a characteristic of owl feathers and makes for silent flight .
18 I went this year , during the town 's autumn festival , which always starts on the last Friday of August and lasts for 10 days .
19 The Soviet engineering industry employs 15 million people and accounts for one-third of industrial output .
20 The student 's t-test is a recognised test for statistical significance of the difference between two means and allows for small sample sizes .
21 MEMHS , which employs 180 staff and cares for those suffering from mental illness in the district , first applied to become a NHS trust in its own right last year .
22 When one hellraiser comes face to face with another , everyone battens down the hatches and prepares for all hell to break loose .
23 Every day the Catering Department serves up almost 1,000 lunches across the campus , cooks up hot breakfasts for students in hall , creates four-star menus for visitors to the Management Centre and caters for special functions and conferences .
24 Pivots at centre and reverses for easy cleaning .
25 The dorsal fin is decorated with a black oval over a white backing and accounts for another popular name for this species , the Hi-Spot Rasbora .
26 The costing of both staff is based on their salaries and allows for National Insurance contributions and superannuation .
27 This saves 50% of the work when inputting into a database and allows for less mistakes .
28 Almost half of the serviceable BR-owned wagon fleet in 1989 comprised ‘ merry-go-round ’ coal hoppers , with the remainder consisting largely of steel carriers , some vans and opens for general merchandise traffic , and — rather surprisingly and after much argument with the industry — the fleet of china clay carriers built to replace the venerable ‘ clay hoods ’ in 1988 .
29 Formal business opened with the adoption of the Standing Orders Committee Report , and the presentation of the Annual Report and Accounts for 1989 .
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