Example sentences of "[noun] and [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On 10 November 1921 , a new agreement was drawn up between the Company and Croydon Corporation for maintenance of track within the Borough and to permit the construction of a curve at the top of Tamworth Road , only to be used for the transfer of cars .
2 By 1884 it had become the Art Workers ' Guild , the hub of the Arts and Crafts Movement , which aimed to bring back all the fine and craft arts and to follow the writings of Ruskin and William Morris .
3 They did , however , want to experience this new approach in isolation and to transfer the lessons .
4 Sequencing is at its most important in the interview situation where the respondent can not ‘ look ahead ’ ; but , whatever the method of data collection , it is sound policy for questionnaire designers to give some thought to this aspect both to clarify their own thinking and to simplify the respondent 's task .
5 This project aims to establish the chronology and to explain the decline of linen in the context of the experience of other natural fibre industries between 1914 and 1960 .
6 The arrangement of goods should be such that heavy items and liquids are kept at the lowest levels to avoid unnecessary lifting and to reduce the effect of spillage or container fracture .
7 to help to unblock the circulation and to kill the pain .
8 Observations on microbes appeared ‘ further to relate [ folic acid ] with nucleic acid metabolism and to emphasize the probability of a role for this vitamin in cellular proliferation . ’
9 ‘ He wishes to capitalise on its appreciation and to use the funds for reducing or completely repaying the debt . ’
10 Pronominal substitution is one of the several methods to link sentences and paragraphs and to allow the perception of an overall text .
11 The policy-making group meets to set the time-scale , to plan the introductory sessions and to agree the questions to form the basis of discussions ; some are suggested in the next section .
12 " If they are , then it becomes appropriate to learn from those organizations and to apply the theories and findings of organizational research to the running of schools .
13 These cases illustrate the importance which the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords attached to the need not to constrain the Commission and the Office of Fair Trading within narrow bounds and to emphasize the width of their discretionary powers .
14 In response to these actions , while convocation debated the necessity to uphold the Ordinances , the archbishop summoned a meeting in March of bishops and magnates to denounce Gaveston and to defend the realm ; excommunication was published on all offenders and on Gaveston .
15 These taxes , to be imposed annually for three years , were intended both to raise revenue and to prevent the conversion of arable land to pasture .
16 Business plans can be as simple or as complicated as the designer wishes , but their prime function is to set well-defined goals and to identify the resources in terms of time , finance , accommodation , equipment , personnel and training that will be required to meet the objectives .
17 The opposition Awami League opposed the motion , which followed attempts in early July to restore parliamentary rule and to ratify the appointment of acting President , Shehabuddin Ahmed , and all actions taken by him during his tenure .
18 The owner of ‘ The Hollybush ’ at Elstree proposed to infill an original coach arch in the pub 's facade and to demolish the timber framed side walls of the passageway behind in order to form a larger and open interior , even though it was this feature that distinguished the building as an historic inn .
19 The leader is seen to emerge in the drawing and to carry the others with him .
20 It was due to resume after the CPSU congress to adopt a party programme and to finalize the composition of its leading bodies .
21 I would ask this committee to keep this in the programme and to monitor the situation as it goes along .
22 The Labour Unity Campaign Committee statement issued for " Unity Sunday " on 18 July 1937 called on " all supporters of unity to put the utmost energy into the work of rousing the Labour Party membership to the need for immediate struggle for the demands listed in the programme and to lead the revival campaign by their example of practical work " .
23 Accordingly the research agencies within these ministries were brought together in 1981 to attempt an inter-disciplinary research programme and to promulgate the results .
24 South Africa pulled out because of a crowded international programme and to host the World Cup would take resources and attention away from their development programme .
25 Ali Bacher managing managing director of the United Cricket Board of South Africa said they were withdrawing their bid because of a crowded international programme and to host the World Cup would take resources and attention away from their development programme .
26 Will my right hon. Friend confirm that , in the debate on the autumn statement , it will be within the rules of order to constrast Government spending policies with the extravagant spending policies of the Opposition and to mention the taxes that will be necessary to pay for them ?
27 Gaunt had used the strength of his position as the representative of the king to break up the opposition and to reassert the authority of the crown .
28 Steps were immediately taken to recover the diplomatic mail and to investigate the incident .
29 The pilots were required to complete twenty arrested landings at El Toro both to gain or regain currency in the tailwheel aircraft and to test the aircraft structure for weaknesses .
30 About 1300 journalists registered at this years ' show , and you have only to read the number of column entries and to hear the radio and to see the television to know that the content of this year 's Royal Show stands second to none in the technical content of agricultural exhibitions across the world .
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