Example sentences of "[noun] and [v-ing] through the " in BNC.

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1 There is a shortage of industrial sites in the South-east of England and rentals are now coming up after lagging behind offices and housing through the late 1980s .
2 ‘ I remember getting in the car and driving through the village back to the main road … but … nothing else . ’
3 However , the branch in its sylvan setting and meandering through the scenic beauty of the Wolds was often called the ‘ Bluebell Line ’ .
4 With small token charges of explosives in our pockets we made for distant roads , railways and bridges , sinking up to our knees in bogs and wading through the icy waters of fast-running burns .
5 Before my friends could do anything , Rupert of Hentzau was on his horse and galloping through the trees .
6 The French approach to North America had been rather different ; they had penetrated to the interior by the two great river systems , the St. Lawrence and the Mississippi , and began developing them as a single communications route linked by the Great Lakes and running through the hinterland west and north of the British settlements .
7 I desperately wanted to be out there with the sheep , hiding behind boulders and sprinting through the heather .
8 A sphere in this space centred on the origin and passing through the coordinate r will have an area and a circumference .
9 Plan the layout so that the page is broken up into short paragraphs with sub-headings and highlighting through the use of emphasised test and underlining giving the message impact and more chance of getting through .
10 Plenty of wallop : two machine-guns mounted on the engine and firing through the prop .
11 One thing about having a job , she thought , sitting down at her desk and leafing through the messages which had been left for her , it certainly takes your mind off your worries .
12 The main work-load on programming , the implementation of change and steering through the necessary mass of procedures and consultation to successful conclusion has fallen to my department 's team leaders , and in particular to Ruth in Personnel and training .
13 Benchmarking represented a period of enforced introspection beginning at the strategic level and percolating through the organization as the change process progressed .
14 Pressure was put on residents to make increasing use of a discretionary power to pay board and lodging through the supplementary benefit supplied by the Department of Health and Social Security .
15 He 's now considering tackling the Southern Upland Way , starting in Galloway in the West and walking through the Borders to Cockburnspath , just a few miles from his home in Innerwick .
16 The drama comes not from discussing what each decision would mean , but in making the decision and working through the consequences .
17 Like all the maidens , in all the stories , half seduced and half petrified , she consented to Fenna 's plans and he swept her high on his great wings and bore her away over the roofs of London and higher and higher cavorting and caracolling through the star-spun night .
18 She wished Beuno was there , standing by the stream and gazing through the alders at the flower-printed meadow .
19 But the picking up strikes a chord and going through the motions always works .
20 After playing only a handful of games for Celtic , Docherty moved south to Preston North End , where he made his debut on Christmas Day 1949 , eventually displacing his mentor Bill Shankly and rising through the ranks to captain the Preston side .
21 Passengers like the informal atmosphere , the excellent visibility and the rapid loading and unloading through the aircraft 's five doors .
22 At the Snack Shack , chef Kevin Polson , 24 , admits to having seen a fair bit of violence , ranging from someone pulling a gun on him to rugby fans forming a scrum in his shop and going through the glass counter .
23 Snack attacks : chef Kevin Polson has seen a fair bit of violence , ranging from someone pulling a gun to rugby fans forming a scrum in his shop and going through the glass counter
24 As it is necessary during the assembly of certain components ( such as links ) to rotate them about their assembly points so they can mate with other constrained linkages , the original component drawing should also carry suitable construction arcs struck from the assembly point and passing through the linkage pin point .
25 It 's a spectacular scene and I make a point of leaving my dictation and watching through the curtains each evening .
26 Coming out of the libraries and walking through the courtyard towards the gate at the other end , you will see on your left the façade of the Church of St Mary .
27 He came back without warning , overriding his own harbingers and flashing through the opening gates and straight to the hall , heralded only by the flag streaming above him .
28 This effectively prevents water-loss by evaporation through the skin , though the animal must doubtless lose some moisture by breathing , which it is able to do through tiny tubes attached to its nostrils and opening through the membrane .
29 The corporate personnel director concerned stated a preference for employing UK search firms , but accepted that large firms could provide the resources for proper support of the assignment and following through the appointment with a form of after-sales service .
30 Inside , his clerks sat toiling into the night over some urgent piece of business and Broussac , half-tipsy , taunted them , making rude gestures and spitting through the window .
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