Example sentences of "[noun] and [vb base] them [art] " in BNC.

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1 The purpose of the Enterprise is to involve Third World countries in mining nodules and give them a share in the profits .
2 Please positively encourage everyone to renew their membership for 1989 and speak to all non-members and offer them a Medau News to read ( special copies available continuing membership form and letter from the Office or ) there is a surprise gift pack for all new members in 1989 .
3 They spoke good Spanish : if they promised to interpret for me , I said , I 'd rent a car and give them a ride .
4 A 12-strong party of homeless men , who currently reside at the Fleetwood Hostel in Lancashire , were offered the chance to visit Sellafield to stimulate their interest in industry and give them a day out to remember .
5 He was referring to the times at Achnacarry when I would on occasion meet the trainees returning from a speed march and pipe them the last two miles back to the camp .
6 Alan Smithson , promotions manager at The Mall , said : ‘ We hope to encourage new talent and give them a chance .
7 Put them on a window-sill and water them every two or three days .
8 elected on the second of May and wish them an enjoyable and fruitful term of office .
9 It 's only good manners to make your guests feel at home and give them a go now and again , but Swindon were a little too kind just before half-time .
10 One is to give all the children obstacles such as sacks , boxes , old tyres , ladders and ropes and give them the opportunity to make up their own course .
11 Those who ‘ have a way with animals ’ are essentially kind of heart and wish them no ill — a mental vibration to which both animals and humans respond with trust .
12 Disbud hybrid tea roses for the best blooms and give them a foliar feed if it is necessary .
13 Lawrence has insisted he wants to stay and honour his contract at Middlesbrough and make them a force in the Premier division .
14 Jason says that you can take any group down the course and give them a thrill you do n't have to be good and special needs groups such as blind people can also have a go …
15 Fulcrum Technologies Inc , Ottawa , Canada reckons that it has the industry 's first suite of SQL-based tools that enable corporate information professionals to access text information and make it available throughout an organisation for use as a strategic resource : Fulcrum says SearchTools offer the first means by which corporate developers , working within an open client-server environment , can build text-retrieval applications for accessing large text applications and give them a way to integrate text-intensive data into existing corporate information management , image or database systems ; the tools feature an applications programming interface based on the SQL Access Group 's Call Level Interface ; the tools will initially be available for Microsoft Corp Visual Basic and Windows developers , as well as for C developers working in other environments , such as OS/2 and Unix ; initial Unix support will be under AIX/6000 , HP-UX and Solaris ; the SearchTools development kit starts at $7,500 per copy and the indexing and retrieval component , SearchServer , will be from $1,000 per user .
16 When we take somebody , assess their needs and offer them a care package , in terms of the elderly , erm , and more importantly in terms of those with physical disability or learning disability , we have basically got to support that person for the rest of their life , and therefore , the commitment is not just for the current year , the commitment in , in the case of the elderly depending on what is being offered , whether it be nursing home care , or residential care is for several months or years .
17 Lift your thumbs and place them a little further out along the brow bone and repeat the pressure .
18 It 's much better to look people in the eye and tell them the truth . ’
19 He did not accomplish much , beyond making it clear to the owners that , in return for their agreement to a national minimum , he would abandon Samuel and give them the eight-hour day ; but he was thought to have acquitted himself well .
20 If you live in the Wallingford area and have a railway interest perhaps you might like to join this enthusiastic group and give them a few hours of your time .
21 " They go there to fetch the nurses on night shift and give them a lift down to hospital . "
22 You can have the firm 's name and give them a brooch or something .
23 Shortly after the event , Stanley Peters said ‘ The response has been outstanding and we , as a company , welcomed the opportunity to meet families and show them the factory ’ .
24 These will ensure that our graduates emerge with the versatility and professionalism to back up their academic knowledge and give them the edge in the market place .
25 Remove the dumplings with a slotted spoon and serve them the same way as the fried dumplings .
26 okay , again I mean these are things that talk about confirmation I mean quite honestly I 'm I 'd be quite happy if we had offices where people talk to each other ninety per cent of the time rather than send memos and faxes to each other , and on the whole we are really talking about inside the office with the people who we work with I mean obviously clients as well trying to find something different , we tend tend to find that it 's very very easy sometimes to make a phone call it 's much easier to make a phone call and to talk to that person and give them the personal touch .
27 • Take five of PFK 's top writers and give them a nominal £250 to set up a tank .
28 You need to dream , then formulate your goals from those dreams and make them a reality .
29 It is this sense of identification that gives hope to the newcomers that others will understand their fears and actions and show them the route to recovery .
30 They think it was a trick by the Garda or the judges to frighten people and teach them a lesson .
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