Example sentences of "[noun] and [v-ing] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If they keep their bikes in garages , they should consider removing a wheel and putting it in the house .
2 We camped upriver from the falls , stalling the leap into the chasm of some of the water by boiling it on the Trangia and making it into Earl Grey tea .
3 It will be helping with localisation and pushing it on Apple Computer Inc 's Power Book line .
4 This is merely the reaction time required in picking up the card and placing it on a pile without making any choice based on the value of the card .
5 And presumably the advantage of using a computer for that is much greater than the mere saving of time in a library and taking out a card and putting it in a wallet or erm a card folder or something like that , because you can retain in your computer a lot of information about what books are in the library and what books are out with lenders and so on .
6 And presumably the advantage of using a computer for that is much greater than the mere erm saving of time in a librarian taking out a card and putting it in a wallet or a card folder or something like that , because you can retain in your computer a lot of information about what books are in the library and what books are out with lenders and so on .
7 He picked up one of the ashtrays and sat down in an armchair , crossing his legs and balancing it on his knee .
8 Common methods of ink sharing include embedding ink in existing documents , files or databases and sending it via electronic mail ; providing clipboard operations ; and supporting inter-application transfers .
9 It 's all right , ’ Sarah said , picking up the purse and giving it to her .
10 As casualties occur you can remove any of the models fighting and replace them with any models from a rearward rank — so you can change the ratio of nets to clubs by , say removing a club and replacing it with a net .
11 Joe , I 'm not seeking to close down on discussion about item er , three , one and three , three but in view of the discussion we took this morning , you took this morning about the capital building programme and referring it to er , P A G , may I suggest that they both go that way , unless you have any particular comments to add to .
12 But it will do so strictly within the framework of the democratic process by giving up any legal and political advantages , presenting its programme and defending it in discussions , [ and ] co-operating with other social and political forces …
13 The statistical error on N is , so that the achievable precision in measuring can be estimated by replacing dN by in this equation and rewriting it as an expression for : .
14 Instead she lifted her hair with both hands , smoothing it up from the nape of her neck and piling it on top of her head in a soft copper mound .
15 At the door of the Registrar 's office was a long line of people ending at the desk where the Officer 's clerk sat drinking tea and lording it over the supplicants .
16 He pressed a button on his desk-console , absent-mindedly dipping his pinkie in the cocaine and running it across his gums .
17 She had been thinking about her future and discussing it with her parents , and all of them had decided to sell the shop .
18 It may be worth making a sample heading with a little spare fabric and fitting it to the track with appropriate hooks in order to ascertain the depth needed .
19 ‘ You ca n't bleedin' play that thing , ’ a prancing Tan shouted , grabbing the instrument and throwing it onto Owen 's prostrate body .
20 In the sedimentation tube technique the particles are released simultaneously from the water surface , a process achieved by holding a 2–5 g sample on a platen by means of a wetting agent and lowering it into the water surface .
21 Using the yeast model , they have demonstrated different effects with different degrees of succussion and have also shown that the rest period between finishing the succussion of one potency and sampling it for dilution to prepare the next potency is important .
22 Just as she was taking soup from the tureen and pouring it into her soup-plate the Hulsbys passed her table .
23 Alright , what 's happening now , is that we 're taking resources away from those efficient sectors and giving it to inefficient agriculture .
24 CAR thieves have left a disabled man virtually housebound after taking his car and crashing it into a wall .
25 Our civilization has at least this to its credit , he wrote , that it has found a way of rounding up this dishonest crap and incarcerating it in morgues , in fortified places with guards and alarm bells and the rest , thus keeping it off the streets , protecting decent citizens , and now , he wrote , there are even moves afoot to repel intruders by making them pay hard cash to enter these fortified places .
26 You can do the same thing on a computer file , deleting each phonetic entry and replacing it with the phonemic transcription or an orthographic one .
27 On average , says the study , buying a share at its initial offering and holding it for three years yielded a total return ( dividends plus capital growth ) of just 8% .
28 These rules can also be deduced by imagining that we try to send extra goods ‘ round the cycle ’ by increasing the flow of goods in edges corresponding to forward variables and reducing it in edges corresponding to reverse variables .
29 It was a simple matter of slitting along the length of the tubed insulation and sliding it onto the edge .
30 Over the last few years the Department of Trade and Industry ( DTI ) has been active in consulting with British industry and encouraging it to be competitive in the European market .
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