Example sentences of "[noun] and [pers pn] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 We brought back four tail wheel struts complete with the tyres and axles and everything else on them and I got to weld this high-strength steel onto that carbon steel that was on the , the wheel and we wound up with a nice trailer with four B-Seventeen tail wheels on it .
2 The roar of the patrol boat 's huge petrol engines thrummed in his ears and he glanced back over his shoulder .
3 Paddington could hardly believe his ears and he hurried back outside as fast as he could go but once again he was too late .
4 Tony Visconti : ‘ When David and Angela found the enormous Victorian house , Haddon Hall , in Beckenham , my girlfriend and I went along to see it and we loved it .
5 He was probably thinking that in these times it was not worth taking the risk of offending anyone , just in case they were agents of Horemheb and you ended up in an emerald mine on the Eastern Coast .
6 I like all this and that bit but she has er , you end up to go on the dirty little foxes and you get on and there 's so , runny nosed yobbo kid about twelve , gets on
7 As he ducks he has Des diving for his legs and me closing in , and this is the moment we all discover the benefits of my upbringing because like a promising cadet I 'd left the pistol 's safety on .
8 He pointed at the deck between his legs and she scrabbled over on her haunches to sit there partially protected .
9 You see a black guy in the ring and he moves around in this relaxed way , totally lacking inhibition in his movement .
10 She knew the Spanish liking for these little snacks and she stepped down into the street , a little surprised to find herself the focus of several pairs of eyes .
11 Kathleen and I went off for some lunch and we then went to have a look at the castle .
12 ‘ Ron Atkinson enjoys life and football and it gets through to everyone at Aston Villa .
13 I started taking smack at school , 'cos everyone in the — estate at that time was taking it and that was the only place you could buy pot and I sent one of me mates out from school one day to buy some speed and he come back with smack and said this is all I could get and I said I do n't want none of that , but in the end we ended up doing it because we was bored and we had nothing else to do .
14 Long before the prayer was answered , Malc fell in love with a bus conductress and they set up home together , while the kids and I went back to live with my Pop .
15 When Jean and I went down the toaster was put on .
16 Well , about , I do n't know how long ago but we were stuck under the table for some time and er eventually we could hear this whirring noise like , you know and er I , I was a bit more daring than me brothers and I sneaked out and went out to the backdoor , an and looked up and there I could see this er Zeppelin in the sky , you know !
17 We were called by EMI , RCA , Arista , Warner Brothers and I hung up the phone on all of them .
18 My brothers and I grew up with very different interests and aspirations and we were to lead very different lives .
19 She hates parks ; it takes half an hour to get there from the flats and then the kids are put inside one lot of railings like some kind of animals and you walk up and down inside another lot and watch them .
20 The glare left his eyes and he looked down at her uncomprehendingly .
21 A frown came into Benedict 's eyes and he reached out , his fingers closing about her wrist .
22 You see , we 'd got such confidence that she told me that when he died , she said , ‘ He died in his bed here ’ , that we were in , you see ; and she said , ‘ I then closed his eyes and I laid down with him till the morning so that nobody should be disturbed . ’
23 A hand was raised to shade her eyes and she looked around .
24 He merely stared at her with his bulging eyes and she went on : ‘ There are biscuits in the tin by the cooker and there is plenty of milk if you want to make yourself a hot drink . ’
25 Carrie thought she caught a moment of panic in Annie 's eyes and she held up her hands to reassure her .
26 Then I moved into the driver 's seat and we drove on .
27 He got back into the front seat and we started up the coast .
28 Behind me his body began to beat against the stern of the boat , and as I turned toward him I saw Rachel from the corner of my eye begin to clamber up from her seat and I called out to her to stay sitting and not to stand but she laughed lightly and tossed back her head and I felt Casey behind me clambering into the boat .
29 He returned to his seat and she went on , ‘ Anyway , I do n't see what 's so funny about thermals .
30 And they had addresses and I ran around , I went to get a job at the pit , which er I had no more sense so I 'm glad now that I did n't get on .
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