Example sentences of "[noun] set [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A machine-readable data set for each diet of elections , and for elections in each tier of local government over time , will be deposited with the ESRC Data Archive .
2 The series of papers which form the basic data set for this research ( the Rolfe papers , and Will 1985 ) , contained lists of theses arranged in a classified order .
3 By contrast , the bird mentioned in ( 19 ) must be one selected from a group present to the mind of the speaker in the situation of utterance ; this adjective can not be non-restrictive : ( 19 ) the largest parrot made a good supper for the expedition that evening The extraction set in this case might be the parrots we had shot that day .
4 Some computers provide several so-called processor modes , distinguished by the allocation of a separate accumulator set to each mode ; one mode ( the problem mode ) is further distinguished by having privileged instructions disabled , while the others are all supervisor modes entered under different interrupt conditions .
5 The dashed curves trace the results of a full access frequency load to 100 per cent packing , while the unbroken curves show the effect of adding records of average activity from the packing densities set into each curve .
6 In the United States 35 states have legislation requiring all hospitals to provide a standard data set on each patient treated .
7 2-week tot set for new heart
8 David Sole extends his record as Scotland 's captain to 22 matches , three more than the figure set by British Lion Ian McLauchlan .
9 When you decide to get married , fix yourself up with someone of the old school , not one of those feminist flibbertigibbets of the kind Jim and I have landed ourselves with — undomesticated , never there , eyes set on further career mountains to be climbed .
10 Middle management will ensure that the goals set by top management are being met .
11 Where the new season 's races have taken place , all have been on strips of man-made snow set into dun-coloured grass .
12 He gave her a delicate necklace of amethysts and pearls set in Scottish gold .
13 Here , too , were knick-knacks and glossy magazines stolen from some of the other rooms : a leather belt with a carved brass buckle that shone like gold when polished with a cloth , a brooch set with brilliant red and yellow stones , an airman 's badge , a pen-knife , a fountain pen .
14 Here some of the assembled company sat watching the sun set in rosy Technicolor behind a jagged peak .
15 The plain exterior circular walls partly supported the covering conical roof but , inside , six columns set on elliptical plan , assisted in this support .
16 The interior is unusual with columns set on circular plan but with flatter , straight sides to the exterior walls .
17 The research department has followed the lines set by that review .
18 Essex boy set for life-saving operation
19 I decided to try the Power Tool in two ways : the first using a stack , with the amp set to full shred ; the second with a Vox AC30 on full tilt , but with the Power Tool bringing down the volume to bedroom level .
20 It 's a five mile long artificial reservoir set among spectacular scenery in the Berwyn Mountains south of Snowdon .
21 The salmon farmers want a change to rents set per square metre of sea cages , similar to the principle of farm rents .
22 The Hotel is a group of bungalows , like a village set among luxuriant vegetation , with quaint alleyways running down to its private sandy beach .
23 In a national quota sample , fifty constituencies might be selected at random , and then quotas set within each constituency on age , sex and employment status : interviewers would then have to find so many women , so many unemployed and so many young people .
24 The lower part of the walls are faced with 1345 semi-precious stones of Bohemian origin , such as cornelians , amethysts , chalcedonies , jaspers , chrysoprases and agates set in gilded plaster .
25 For example , whilst many of the papers published in Scottish Journal of Geology are geochemical in nature , the core set of journals in geochemistry may well not contain it , and so researchers may well choose to publish in the core set for their sub-field , rather than the core set for Scottish geology .
26 The taxpayer : The financial targets set for each agency are designed to be demanding , ‘ so that the taxpayer can be certain that the money that is provided for these services is used in the most efficient way ’ .
27 Bardul has a small stove with a chimney set into one flue here , where he brews Lustrian coffee ( he has many sealed tins of this here ) and cooks whatever he can find to eat .
28 His artillery , standard three-pounder [ 1.4-kg ] guns , was arranged in five pairs between the various front-line regiments , with some additional guns and Coehorn mortars set on high ground to the rear and to the left .
29 The sound will then be re-recorded in binaural stereo using a dummy human head with a microphone set in each ear .
30 Traditionally these courses are for the more able , particularly those with their sights set on higher education .
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