Example sentences of "[noun] provide for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Yasa provided for the settlement of disputes and affairs of honour only between the races of the True People , for they alone were equipped with the talons with which the kanly — formal mortal combat — was fought .
2 These proposals provide for the replacement of the present local authorities in the area .
3 If the debtor is away , inquiry should also be made whether or not letters are being forwarded to an address within the jurisdiction ( England and Wales ) or elsewhere ; ( d ) if the debtor is represented by a solicitor , an attempt should be made to arrange an appointment for personal service through such solicitor … the rules provide for a solicitor accepting service of a statutory demand on behalf of his client but there is no similar provision in respect of service of a bankruptcy petition ; ( e ) the supporting affidavit should deal with all the above matters including all relevant facts as to the debtor 's whereabouts and whether the appointment letter(s) has/have been returned .
4 Law Society rules provide for the way client money held by a solicitor should be accounted for , and the rules currently require solicitors to submit an annual accountant 's report .
5 In conjunction with the necessity to provide for the transition from estate duty to CT .
6 If the tax base is too small to support the welfare burden , there is not enough money to provide for the demand of welfare services and people have to do without .
7 Some are the head of the family with husband and children dependent on their salary some are single parents and some rely on their income to provide for the shortfall in their partner 's earnings .
8 The Department may make basic funeral arrangements for anyone who is a client at the time of death if there is no other responsible person to make the arrangements or insufficient personal funds to provide for a funeral .
9 The Articles of Association of the Association provide for the Council to conduct an enquiry to administer disciplinary action and in the case of an appeal to nominate an arbitrator .
10 The Council of Ministers on Jan. 24 also approved a 300,000 million ptas investment plan for Asturias providing for the creation of 1,800 new jobs over the next six years with special regard to the mining sector .
11 The Gaullist Rally for the Republic ( RPR ) and the centrist Union for French Democracy ( UDF ) announced on April 10 that they had reached an electoral accord providing for a system of " primaries " for the presidential elections scheduled for 1995 and for " common candidates " in regional and legislative elections scheduled for 1992 and 1993 respectively .
12 Documents signed during the visit included a protocol on scientific and technical co-operation , an accord providing for the construction of embassies and a programme for cultural and scientific exchanges .
13 A company rule provided for the instant and automatic dismissal of anyone found smoking on the premises .
14 The programme provided for the discussion of various topics on the first two days , as told in the preceding chapter , and for Saturday , January 18 , it read : Proposal to form the National Deaf Association , on the American lines , the objects of which will be the protection , and the educational and social elevation of the deaf of the United Kingdom .
15 Many thanks to KENT for the lovely tea provided for the January meeting .
16 In its origin feudalism provided for the recruitment of vitally needed cavalry troops in a society which lacked the liquid money to pay troops in cash .
17 The national entities of England , Scotland , Northern Ireland and Wales are organized in a unitary rather than a federal structure and parliamentary government in practice provides for the supremacy of the executive branch .
18 The rule provides for the practice approved in " Calderbank " ( Calderbank v Calderbank ( 1976 ) 3 All ER 333 ) .
19 It is suggested that the way women and black citizens are treated in society and in schools provides for a unity among female students on the one hand and black students on the other .
20 The dispositive contents of the will include : ( i ) pecuniary legacies of £1,000 each to the two executors , and of £2,000 to a Mr. Clarke , the deceased 's stockbroker ; ( ii ) provision for 150B , High Street and its contents to be retained to provide a residence during their respective lifetimes of two ladies , Mrs. Donelly and Mrs. Willett ; ( iii ) a settled legacy of £10,000 to provide for the maintenance of 150B , High Street during the residence there of the two ladies ; ( iv ) a settled legacy of £2,000 for a specified animal charity ; and ( v ) a gift of residue in equal shares to two specified charities .
21 The most important of these latter are Bills concerning , e.g. , a particular local authority or public corporation ; or , more interestingly , Bills providing for the divorce of a particular couple ( now extremely rare , but formerly the only mechanism for dissolution of marriage ) or enabling a couple whose marriage would otherwise be prohibited by reason of being within the prohibited degrees of consanguinity or affinity , to marry .
22 Parliament on March 14 approved a new defence law providing for the reduction of compulsory military service from two years to 18 months and the extension of annual leave from 10 to 30 days .
23 On Oct. 4 , 1989 , the National Assembly approved a new electoral law providing for the use of proportional representation in legislative elections with candidates elected on a party list by department .
24 Some composers have written eucharistic settings in traditional vein providing for the needs of choirs with limited resources and expertise .
25 He announced that he had resigned in accordance with a recent party proposal providing for an income and wealth ceiling for those holding leadership posts .
26 There the company 's articles provided for a lien in the above terms .
27 The new election law provided for the election of not less than 140 deputies to parliament ( previously 250 ) .
28 The budget proposal provided for a deficit of 108,310 million roubles and for expenditure of 555,600 million roubles in the second quarter , and a 245,340 million roubles deficit and 2,103,000 million roubles expenditure for the whole year .
29 I accept Mr. Lester 's submission that there must be a causal link between the benefit provided for the taxpayers and the cost of the benefit referred to in section 63(1) .
30 Chamber of Trade chairman , Dick King , told the Chamber of Commerce annual general meeting : ‘ I believe it is basically wrong for membership subscriptions to finance what is in effect a benefit provided for the town , and enjoyed by many other businesses who do not contribute a penny to the upkeep .
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