Example sentences of "[noun] provide for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The pressure on computer manufacturers to provide for the proper disposal of used computer equipment , which goes beyond dumping it into approved landfills , continues to build from both within and without the industry .
2 Organizations for linking , such as those which many LEAs provide for the primary-to-secondary move , have also done much to encourage the pooling of detailed information about the curriculum up to the age of 16 and the curriculum either in the technical or vocational context up to the age of 17 or 18 or in a tertiary college up to the age of 18 .
3 The new programme provided for an average increase of 3 percentage points in turnover tax , the introduction of value added tax ( VAT ) and improved tax collection in 1993 , and a temporary 10 per cent surcharge on 75 per cent of Polish imports .
4 The tin-hatted soldiers who were sent into to quell riots on the troubled streets of Londonderry and Belfast must look enviously at the gear provided for the modern soldier .
5 The concessions provided for a total dismantling of customs duties for some products and for major reductions in duties for others .
6 The work to be considered in this chapter provides for a temporary completion of the argument concerning the nature of objectification to which the first part of this book has been devoted .
7 The Shell Account Card provides for a fast efficient transaction and eliminates the need for cash or cheques .
8 On Nov. 7 the West German government published a draft law providing for a complete ban on the production , sale and use of CFCs .
9 The peace plan provided for a UN-supervised ceasefire to be in force from Feb. 1 until Oct. 31 , 1992 , during which time all accords would be implemented and verified by the UN .
10 The plan provided for the gradual replacement of Syrian troops in West Beirut by Lebanese soldiers and police .
11 The 1972 Act provided for the principal councils ( i.e. the county councils and district councils ) to have a number of major functions .
12 In 1974 , the Railways Act provided for the non-profitable services run by British Rail ; this was the first recognition of the ‘ social railway ’ .
13 The Act provided for the old Independent Broadcasting Authority to be replaced by the new Radio Authority and the new Independent TV Commission , each with authority codes for the interpretation of the new law .
14 This , then , is the shape and origin of the habitat that Loch Ness provides for the putative monster .
15 The Act provides for the local education authority to ensure that a child identified as having special educational needs is given education within an ordinary school as long as that is compatible with efficient use of resources and efficient education , both for the child concerned and for other children at the school .
16 The opposition also emphasized that the referendum failed to address the issue of the 10,000 US troops stationed in the Panama canal zone and the need to provide for the future security of the canal when it came under complete Panamanian control at the turn of the century .
17 These are necessary for any business to provide for the proper management of its finances .
18 lifeboat or lifeboat and pontoon raft provided for every single person
19 It may be that none of these incidents , taken by itself , would be very significant , but the cumulative effect of them supports the view that the plaintiff and her husband subordinated their own interests to the wishes of the deceased … the plaintiff 's acts went well beyond what was called for by natural love and affection for someone to whom she had no blood relationship , and both she and her husband made it very clear in their evidence that there was no great love and affection between her husband and the deceased , and that he was only willing to pay for meals that the plaintiff provided for the deceased and to work as he did in the garden of the cottage because of the expectation that the deceased 's estate would in due course pass to the plaintiff .
20 In the meantime I have returned the draft Contract approved to the vendor 's solicitors providing for a reduced deposit of £2,600 instead of the full 10% deposit of £5,200 and I enclose one part of the Contract for signature by you both where indicated in pencil .
21 Bakeries and dairies provide for the local market .
22 These will be related to its function i providing for the personal lifestyles of the Pelham family as well as its role as a local and national power base .
23 During the 1970s , the consolidation of this role was achieved by procedural reforms providing for a simplified application for judicial review .
24 One made the protection of the environment a constitutional obligation ; the other provided for the direct election of mayors and Landräte .
25 UNO 's platform , announced early in September , included plans to expand the market economy , to extend social freedoms and guarantees including trade union freedoms , to revise the Constitution to provide for a strict separation of the state , the Army and the ruling party , to abolish compulsory military service , to reduce radically the size of the armed forces , to reorganize the police under civil authority and to grant an amnesty for political prisoners .
26 A Swiss referendum vote on Dec. 6 against ratification , while it did not dissuade the other participants ( including Liechtenstein ) from proceeding , did necessitate " technical " modifications to provide for an 18-member EEA .
27 A national referendum on June 2 was reported to have resulted in a 93 per cent vote in favour of a new Constitution providing for a multiparty system , ending 13 years of military rule .
28 The Constitution provided for a single-chamber legislature , the Grand National Assembly ( GNA ) , first elected in November 1983 , and for an executive President , to be elected by the Assembly for a seven-year term and with wide-ranging powers .
29 The Constitution provided for a 200-member lower house and a 81-member upper house ; the former would be identical to the current Czech parliament , while the latter was likely to be filled by Czech members of the federal parliament .
30 The constitution provided for a multiparty system , but the country had been a de facto one-party state since independence .
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