Example sentences of "[noun] show the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ These distressing job losses show the parlous state of the economy , ’ he said .
2 Charles Booth 's reports and the need for bodies like the Salvation Army and Dr Barnardo 's Homes show the other side of the coin to life in the Hampstead villas .
3 The two pictures show the same flow at different instants , at which respectively an ‘ eruption ’ and an ‘ inrush ’ were occurring .
4 On stage , organiser Miles Crawford , who also hosts TV 's black talent show The 291 Club , is warming up the crowd : ‘ South London — south London , throw your hands in the air ! ’
5 His followers sold out the Hammersmith Odeon before any major label knew who he was , and more recently , when he appeared on the black talent show The 291 Club simply to present an award , he received the kind of reception you 'd expect for the ghost of Marvin Gaye .
6 Although Soler did not provide any comparative evidence , our data show the opposite pattern .
7 The following data show the national income figures , price indices and population for a hypothetical country in 1988 and 1989 :
8 And in their relations with each other , Libyans show the same rejectionist spirit : the taunt , ‘ We killed Pasha Naiz ’ , means that Magharba were irremediably tainted by their submission to Turkish government ; Zuwaya had been , and continued to be , irreconcilable .
9 The drawing shows the main design points for a single-stack system and the connections which may be made Detailed requirements are given in BS5572 : Code of Practice for Sanitary Pipework .
10 The latest survey of manufacturers by the Confederation of British Industry shows the biggest increase in optimism for ten years .
11 In Dynmouth the antiquated and inadequately heated Essoldo showed the same film for seven days at a time and the shops were totally uninteresting .
12 The result showed the strongest support for Maastricht in Paris , where 62.5 per cent favoured ratification , and on the border with Germany and Switzerland ( with 66 per cent in favour in Alsace ) .
13 Sadly , the poem inside the card showed the real object of his affections :
14 The figure shows the prospective risk of stillbirth at 23–42 weeks ' gestation for all births in Japan and the cumulative percentage of stillbirths .
15 The Figure shows the mean height velocity during each year according to severity of gastrointestinal symptoms .
16 The Figure shows the systemic endotoxin concentrations plotted against colon macroscopic score for the disease control group ( water ) and the combined terra fullonica groups ( 25 and 35 mg trinitro benzene sulphonic acid/ethanol ) .
17 The Figure shows the individual labelling indices for compartment 3 and 4+5 for the-two subgroups of polyp patients .
18 This figure shows the top face of the box B ; trajectories started within ABCD return to the lower shaded region , RB'C " , and trajectories started within ADEF return to the upper shaded region LE'F " .
19 The figure shows the cumulative number of these infants placed to sleep prone .
20 Lord Tebbit 's reception and the hostile — even abusive — barracking of pro-Euro speakers showed the Tory split .
21 The Roman stage remains in ruined form and has curtailed the orchestra to a semi-circle , but the seating of the auditorium shows the Greek plan carved out of the hillside ( 125 ) .
22 ‘ Our research shows the vast majority of clubs want to retain an element of terracing .
23 The upper trace shows the synaptic current induced by the tetanus , recorded through a patch-pipette .
24 The other side showed the same ear of barley , in reverse , a template to cast the image ; if you pressed candle wax into this side of the coin , you would get an impression of the other face .
25 The Leefe Robinson commemorative shows the flaming airship , ‘ The end of the baby killer ’ and fetches a top price of £20-£30 .
26 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography showed the cystic duct and the ductus choledochus to be free of stones .
27 Searches of nucleic acid ( GenBank/EMBL rel. 71 ) and protein ( NBRF-PIR rel. 32 ) databases showed the best match ( 21% identity ) to a tyrosine-specific transport protein from Escherichia coli ( accession number , GRECY ) , which appears to contain 12 transmembrane domains .
28 A true map of the London Underground shows the central complex as a shape suggestive of a swimming dolphin , its snout being Aldgate , its forehead Old Street , the crown of its head King 's Cross , its spine Paddington , White City and Acton , its tail Ealing Broadway and its underbelly the stations of Kensington .
29 Darlington Transport Company decided to axe its three-bus-an-hour 11a route from February 24 after research showed the average number of passengers was three .
30 After newspapers , books showed the largest decline er , and the fifteen million variance is shared roughly one fifth by Addison Wesley and two fifths apiece by Penguin and Longman .
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