Example sentences of "[noun] between [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now between during the period from the decision of Mr Justice in March nineteen ninety one and the issue of the sealed order in May nineteen ninety three , it 's clear from correspondence which has been put before me that there were er various negotiations and discussions between the solicitors for the plaintiff and the defendant dealing with the questions of costs and also with the question of a general settlement of the whole action , er it would be appreciated of course that Mr Justice order does not have the effect of determining finally the rights of the parties , erm other than the partnership has in fact dissolved because there were still outstanding issues in particular relating to the premises which were used as the surgery of the premises of the part of the prac of the practice or perhaps I should say former practice .
2 They steer people away from any home which they believe is likely to be closed and once you start doing this , you will in fact be sealing the fate of those homes and you it 's a very , very dangerous game , you 've got ta be , you 've got ta play it very , very carefully indeed and I hope Chairman that there can be a degree of common sense and rationality introduced into discussions between the members of the various groups who have to deal with these very difficult issues .
3 Rumours proliferated of disagreements between the leaders of the NKLP and SKLP and these were justified .
4 This and other more personal disagreements between the founders of the IWA led in 1951 to Rolt 's withdrawal from the association .
5 This impressive linear earthwork running east-west is reckoned to be a division between the lands of Mercia to the north and Wessex to the south , and probably dates from the sixth or seventh century .
6 This division between the life-styles of men and women is well documented , but little is known about the precise form or effect of housework attitudes .
7 Their essence — setting up a division between the buyers of health care ( usually health authorities ) and its providers ( often hospitals ) — represents a huge improvement in the running of the NHS .
8 In addition to this general point about theory placing empirical practice into pre-determined boxes , there seems little historical rationale or evidence for this particular division between the types of functions and types of politics which characterize the local and the national state .
9 Sometimes commanders in the field could be used as negotiators : in 1714 the treaty of Rastadt which ended the struggle between Louis XIV and the Emperor Charles VI was based on personal contacts between the commanders of the opposing armies , Marshal Villars on the French side and Prince Eugene on the imperial one .
10 She tells of the struggle between the administrators in Washington and the scientists in the laboratories .
11 With such ambiguous structures , characterising any debate on how to improve them as a struggle between the principles of self-regulation and statutory regulation is unlikely to add to anybody 's understanding of the issues .
12 At the core of Hampden Babylon is a titanic struggle between the forces of good and evil .
13 He saw it as a struggle between the desires of the bourgeoisie , for whom sports were ‘ mere entertainment ’ and for whom play was merely a recuperative process following the real work of labour , and , the desires of the common people for whom games were ‘ an alternative life-activity in their own right ’ .
14 The other is between ‘ authoritarians ’ and ‘ democrats ’ , the classic struggle between the advocates of a strong state and the believers in popular sovereignty .
15 ‘ … This form of selection depends , not on a struggle for existence in relation to other organic beings or to external conditions , but on a struggle between the individuals of one sex , generally the males , for the possession of the other sex .
16 A deeper pink suffused his face , colouring the skin between the freckles of pale orange that the tropical sun had cast there , and he took her by the wrists and said , in English , ‘ Maybe , we 'll see , maybe one day . ’
17 As the two treatment groups were not identical in severity of disease at the start of the trial , an analysis of covariance , with corresponding confidence intervals , was used to compare each measure between the groups after treatment , making adjustments for the differences in severity of disease before treatment as measured by the corresponding baseline measurement .
18 As a result , in sCD2 the association involves main-chain hydrogen bonding between the tips of the CC' and FG loops , augmented by direct interactions between the residues on the GFCC'C sheets ( residues are detailed in Fig.2 ) .
19 But rapid anti-Hebbian modification of the mutual interactions between the neurons at one level should work rather well if combined with slower Hebbian modification of the synapses feeding excitation from a lower level .
20 His career epitomizes the interactions between the obligations of patron and client and the public service under the old administrative system .
21 The nature of the interactions between the proteins in the complex provides a possible explanation for the wide specificity of protein G for IgG .
22 In this greater society " there must be in the first place a certain order of ranks between the chiefs of these particular ones .
23 The two governments agreed to terminate all litigation before the municipal courts between the nationals of either country and the government of the other .
24 She was twisting a hank of hair between the fingers of her hands , her stained and torn crimson skirts hoiked up over her knees .
25 It would be quite another to imagine it sanctioning full-blooded mergers between the likes of BAe and GEC , which is what Professor Smith 's script implies .
26 He caught a glimpse of Jehana 's mare between the trunks of larger trees , and riding behind her , hard in pursuit , Alexei 's bay .
27 The courts justified this vesting of managerial autonomy over the everyday business of the company in the hands of the directors by arguing that it flowed from the construction of a company 's articles of association which formed a contract between the members of the company .
28 However , they are the straightest lines that can be drawn on the surfaces between the points under discussion .
29 On any given strand , the bases can be in any order , but there are rules governing the pairing between the bases on the one strand and those on the other ; adenine always pairs with thymine , and guanine with cytosine .
30 At times in the past there must have been tenderness between the members of this family ; the old lady had conceived and given birth to two children , nursed them and watched them grow into adult life .
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