Example sentences of "[noun] because it [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He chose a child as his lover because it fed that ego ; he lost her because he never cottoned on to the fact that children are children , no matter how grown-up they might appear .
2 And the central government 's socialism , it 's restriction of socialist rights to Libyan nationals , set the seal on the discrimination between foreign and national labour because it encouraged Libyan employers to employ foreigners .
3 And then the mediant is called the mediant , the mediant because it lies halfway between the tonic and the dominant .
4 Volatile solvent extraction is employed a great deal in the perfume industry because it produces superb fragrances which are truer to the aroma found in the living plant .
5 A curious mixture of shade , energy and colour , it transcended most of the other material on the album because it contained one of the group 's main strengths — a great chorus .
6 It is a sound rule because it facilitates social contact .
7 Divorce has this effect because it suggests that remarriage in the lifetime of one 's first partner is socially and even morally acceptable' ( Irish Times , 6 June 1986 ; also 31 May 1986 ; 14 June 1986 ) .
8 ‘ Tax relief is a thorny issue because it over-benefits those who are earning .
9 The Prime Minister gave his go-ahead at a meeting with the Chancellor , Treasury Chief Secretary Michael Portillo , Social Security Secretary Peter Lilley and Employment Minister Michael Forsyth , after being told that doctors , especially in inner city areas , sign people on for the benefit because it pays more than dole money .
10 The Prime Minister gave his go-ahead at a meeting with the Chancellor , Treasury Chief Secretary Michael Portillo , Social Security Secretary Peter Lilley and Employment Minister Michael Forsyth , after being told that doctors , especially in inner city areas , sign people on for the benefit because it pays more than dole money .
11 Pragmatism is a skeptical conception of law because it rejects genuine , nonstrategic legal rights .
12 In my view it is just as vital not to ignore Marxist work because it contains one inadequate generalization , as it is not to ignore pluralist work because it is based on an idealized view of liberal democracy in Japan .
13 We recommend this Plan because it offers financial protection in no less than THREE important ways areas where you are likely to be most vulnerable should an accident strike .
14 I favour a long-reaching front guard because it has less distance to travel before it strikes the opponent , and it is able to intercept attacks closer to source .
15 I shall not deal with the second part of the hon. Gentleman 's question because it raises difficult issues which will no doubt be the subject of discussion later .
16 The district committee , the A G E W district committee , er recognized that it was something that er was a confederation exercise because it covered all aspects of the workforce , and therefore you had er engineers and , and the sheet metal workers and electricians and pattern makers , everybody within the confed in Brothers was affected by it .
17 The relevant statute empowered the minister to set up such a committee but in this case he refused to do so on the ground that the complaint was unsuitable for investigation because it raised wide issues ; that if the committee upheld the complaint he would be expected to make an order to give effect to the committee 's recommendations ; and that the complaint should be dealt with by the Board rather than by the committee of investigation .
18 This reflexivity , what Woolgar more accurately calls benign introspection ( p. 22 ) , is thus a virtue rather than a limitation because it provides some of the necessary contextual background to help evaluate the study .
19 Marx condemned capitalism because it frustrated human potential and self-actualization , but believed it was a necessary stage in human dialectical development .
20 A carp is quite happy on a high protein diet because it utilises some for tissue repair , construction of its own complex molecules such as enzymes and of course growth by addition of new body protein .
21 It was the First World War because it affected most of the people of the world .
22 We have done one on erm , which , which gardening audit which is by our definition a continuous job because it happens all the time , but it follows procedures a hundred percent .
23 Although the proportion of deliberate self-poisoning or self-injury patients who require psychiatric inpatient care is fairly small , this group is of special importance because it includes those most likely to have serious psychiatric disorders , those at special risk of suicide or further attempts , and some patients who pose very difficult management problems .
24 He said copyart can be practised by people of differing abilities because it takes little or no skill to produce exciting and impressive images .
25 Now we 're told to , you know , beware of having too much fats , too much milk , too much this , that and the other because it creates all sorts of what 's the truth ?
26 Putting names to faces : You may wish to be able to look at someone and think instantly of his name because it makes social life so much easier ; or you may wish to improve your chances of impressing a business acquaintance ( and possibly making a deal as a result ) .
27 The force within can also be manipulated through … Dieting , in which you are discouraged from eating meat because it provokes unhelpful vibrations and produces what might be called static interference in meditation .
28 On the one hand , the Bhatta-Mimamsaka school argued that time is perceptible , whereas their Nyaya-Vaiseka opponents claimed that it is only an inferred concept because it lacks sensible qualities , such as colour , form , etc .
29 Is a Van Gogh painting not art because it fetches millions at Sotheby 's ?
30 The argument developed in this chapter is of vital importance for the teaching of RE because it concerns deep-seated anxieties with religion which people have today .
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