Example sentences of "[noun] should take [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The assessment should take into account the child 's physical , emotional and educational needs according to his age , sex , religion , culture and language .
2 The Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz said on Aug. 13 , amid suggestions that Venezuela , Saudi Arabia , the UAE and perhaps Nigeria might increase output , that " OPEC states should take into consideration their interests " and warned that they might " pay hard in the future " if they followed this course .
3 This duly happened , and in the judgment published in November 1991 , it was held that the valuation of the estates should take into account the agricultural tenancies granted by the late Lady Fox to herself and her farming partners .
4 Promoters of public investment projects should take into account the external effects of their actions in so far as they alter the physical production possibilities of other producers or the satisfaction that consumers get from given resources .
5 ( 3 ) New editors and new referees should take into account , and take responsibility for , the views and decisions of their predecessors .
6 It is with the legitimacy of this discretion , and particularly with the form that the rules of company law should take in order to control it in the public interest , that this book is principally concerned .
7 No group should undertake conservation work without first consulting the French archive , and all work should take into account the findings of the Getty Conservation Institute 's imminent study to determine the precise causes of stonework decay at Angkor .
8 In turn , the UN Security Council is acting unlawfully in adopting Resolution 731 , which applies sanctions to Libya , since the UN Charter ( article 36 , paragraph 2 ) states that : ‘ The Security Council should take into consideration any procedures for the settlement of the dispute which have already been adopted by the parties . ’
9 The assessment process should take into account what the individual can do to help himself ; what informal care is available ; particular risk factors ; abilities and life style ; health … and accommodation and social support needs ( DoH , 1991a , p. 6 ) .
10 However , the seriousness of the charge is itself part of the circumstances that the court should taken into account in deciding if the standard of proof has been met .
11 That expression of opinion by the Law Commission can have no relevance to the construction of the Act , whilst any bearing it might otherwise have had on the matters which the court should take into account in exercising its discretion whether to grant leave to apply for a residence order in respect of a child in the care of a local authority has clearly been superseded by the express provisions of the Act .
12 The court should take into account the views of all parties including the child before making a direction .
13 Schedule 2 to the UCTA 1977 provides that , in assessing the reasonableness of a clause under the Act , the court should take into account " whether the customer knew , or ought reasonably to have known of the existence and extent of the term ( having regard , amongst other things , to any custom of the trade and any previous course of dealing between the parties ) " .
14 Use Section 3(2) ( b ) provides that a court should take into account , " what might reasonably be expected to be done with or in relation to the product …
15 This is no doubt a matter which the magistrate should take into account when considering whether a witness 's evidence is to be rejected as worthless ; and I have no doubt that in the present case the magistrate did take it into account , together with the fact that Price had retracted his earlier evidence implicating the applicant , when deciding whether to make an order for committal .
16 The manager should take into account the artist 's wishes and aspirations .
17 I think any feminist movement in Britain should take on board the fact that Ireland is a colony and the fact that there is a lot of denial that goes on , people pretending it is n't happening , and saying there 's nothing that can be done .
18 The procedures should take into account that management projections are likely to be a fairly bullish assessment of the company 's prospects .
19 One recommendation is that ‘ Parliamentary Counsel and departmental lawyers should take to heart the criticisms that continue to be made , by those most directly affected , of the style of drafting of statute law , and should review their own drafting styles accordingly . ’
20 A full list of the security measures that forces should take in relation to the computer system is set out in the code of practice of the Association of Chief Police Officers .
21 They resolved that the idea of a European conference on disarmament should take into account the Mediterranean dimension and should involve ‘ concrete measures which will lead not only to confidence building but also to the initiation of steps to lessen forces in the region ’ .
22 He also emphasizes that the chief executive should take into account the power structure of the organization , be careful to choose the right time to promote initiatives , and , in particular , avoid committing himself publicly to a specific objective or action until he knows that it is definitely what he wants and that he can get the support .
23 As John Davies , Director of the Educational Publishers Council , points out , publishers should take on board legitimate public concern about racism and sexism in school and children 's books .
24 This refers to disorder on a widespread scale , and the officer should take into account not merely his own resources , but those that can be made available to him through the use of the mutual aid provisions of the Police Act 1964 .
25 In other animals there is behaviour which benefits another individual , and moreover there is behaviour the end of which is to benefit another individual , in a sense of ‘ end ’ which requires a lot of work to make clear , but which is uncontentiously illustrated by behaviour the end of which is that the animal should take in food .
26 Ministers should take on board this message from those of us who speak for people with whom we come into contact in our day-to-day work : something must be done about victimisation , and it must be done quickly .
27 There are certain precautions women should take during pregnancy , for instance , avoiding certain foods and being careful about contact with animals .
28 There are certain precautions women should take during pregnancy , for instance , avoiding certain foods and being careful about contact with animals .
29 ‘ The Federal Republic should take into account that policies aimed at changing borders would not suit any Government in Europe . ’
30 To give the settlement greater weight it was also agreed that Henry should take to wife Catherine , Charles 's daughter , whose hand he had sought in negotiation some years earlier .
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