Example sentences of "[noun] may [be] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 While it published scorching critiques of the diplomacy that had led Britain into war , MacDonald insisted that ‘ whatever our views may be on the origins of the war , we must go through with it . ’
2 Money may be in the form of some physical item that is actually handed from one person to another : for example , gold , silver , other coin , banknotes , or even something like cigarettes .
3 It is always a lie and never the truth , ’ Questionable though that judgement may be on the aphorism in general , it does seem to me to catch the half-formed nature of this observation — or perhaps , better speaking , its lack of a frame .
4 Application for admission may be by the nearest relative or an approved social worker .
5 The discovery of this conodont-bearing animal suggests that at least some conodonts may be among the most primitive of vertebrates .
6 A more radical change may be on the way : a report by the UK Institute of Health Services Management concludes that ‘ General taxation must be reconsidered as the major funding of the National Health Service if it continues to fail to deliver adequate levels of resources ’ .
7 The historic route may be under the accountant 's scrutiny shortly : the recession in the building industry has led to a falling demand for cement and traffic is down to two or three trains per week .
8 And I ca n't help thinking that we might end up with a sort of repeat of the sort of situation that 's occurred at Octavius Atkinson site which is erm mentioned in the erm the paper tabled this morning , whereby er a sort of market-led approach which puts a lot of pressure on the local authorities may be at the expense of the planning-led approach to erm deciding where development should most appropriately go .
9 Apart from the inpatient waiting list initiative no extra resources were released for meeting the Charter standards , but meeting the standard for outpatient clinics may be at the expense of seeing fewer patients and a lengthening list for a first appointment .
10 Anyway , defeat in the County Shield may be for the best because , let's not be hasty , but after just four games we look like having Division Three wrapped up .
11 ( 5 ) If a condition attached to an occasional licence is contravened as regards any club , every person whose name is , at the time of the contravention , contained in the list lodged under subsection ( 3 ) ( b ) of section 103 of this Act , or as the case may be in the new list last lodged under subsection ( 5 ) or ( 5A ) of that section , in respect of that club , shall be guilty of an offence :
12 And they believe Diane Wright may be in the Aberystwyth area .
13 He has previously been linked with the Chargers and a move down the Calfornian coast may be on the cards .
14 It characterises capital instruments as a means of raising finance : an instrument may be within the definition whether or not the consideration given for its issue takes the form of cash .
15 The auction 's attracted interest from all over the world , and Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger may be among the bidders .
16 Typically , the cost of acquiring , checking , editing , and converting data may be of the order of the system hardware and software costs while the time required to assemble and check the cartographic and attribute databases may be of the order of several years .
17 Typically , the cost of acquiring , checking , editing , and converting data may be of the order of the system hardware and software costs while the time required to assemble and check the cartographic and attribute databases may be of the order of several years .
18 The parents of a young girl who died after being treated with steroids have welcomed the news that fresh warnings about the drug 's side effects may be on the way .
19 In the words of Dunlop ( 1958 : 20 ) , the technological context of ‘ railroads has many distinctive features affecting the relations of managers and workers : the train operating divisions use small crews working together and in movement far from close and immediate supervision ; complex and expensive equipment is utilized with a high ratio of capital to worker ; … the costs of accidents can be consequential ; the hours of operations for equipment may be around the clock , and they do not conform to normal factory schedules … ’ .
20 WHITECLIFF may be on the site of a Roman villa .
21 But this will not happen without sponsors coming forward to become participants in the WISE vehicle programme Sponsorship may be in the form of :
22 The Hare mosaic is late ; the Tockington Park example is probably of the mid-fourth century ; while the two pavements from Gloucester and Halstock may be of the early " or mid-fourth century .
23 In many cases the buildings show the Nordic influence of the long house with farm buildings attached , sheltering man and his animals under the same roof , and the gallery may be on the house or barn .
24 The best preliminary plan may be for the reader to open the book upright at ( the illustration ) and then go to the other side of the room , to be imposed on from a distance : it is the nearest the book can offer to the proper first encounter with the figure .
25 In the second movement Allegro con grazia Koizumi may be on the slow side in the main 5/4 theme , but he is very persuasive , and then in the central section brings out an element of fantasy .
26 But when questions of law do arise , their determination may be of the greatest importance because of the effect that will have on subsequent cases .
27 Only part of central northern Scotland may be below the critical load for sensitive plant communities such as those around some lakes and peat bogs .
28 Thus , a glacial terrace profile may be above the interglacial or Post-glacial profile upstream and below it downstream : the terrace profiles , in fact , cross ( Fig. 9.9 ) .
29 Finally , wherever health-care reform may be on the stormy seas of the Clinton presidency , the public wants health-care reform .
30 Prospectuses issued by both power companies have admitted that environmental costs may be on the rise , but no figures have been given .
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