Example sentences of "[noun] first [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When computers first appeared in offices in the late 1970s , they were used as glorified typewriters by secretaries .
2 This kind of paper , in use in the 25 years up to 1914 but revived in recent times , also places the EZRA POUND photographs in a time outside the present — suggesting , perhaps a vision of Venice in the time of the " Belle Epoque " when Pound first came to Europe as a young man and revolutionized poetics in the English language .
3 Mitterrand first went to Bonn for talks with Kohl , travelling on to Berlin and the states of Brandenburg , Saxony and Thuringia .
4 That peal of exile first heard in Hand in Glove still rings true in moments on Viva Hate ! and no doubt always will , no matter what follows , in the same way that traces of wantonness persist in Jagger 's voice , beneath all the mannered overlay of time .
5 Hungary first came under Habsburg rule in 1437 , when Albrecht II of Austria was nominated by the Holy Roman Emperor , Sigismund , to succeed him .
6 Fitzormonde intervened ‘ It was over the Moor that the bad blood first surfaced between Burghgesh and Whitton . ’
7 When the White House lawyer first tried to debrief Reagan on what he knew of the affair , the president was said to have told him stories of Hollywood ; when journalists badgered him about the deals he had half-wittingly struck with Israel and Iran in August 1985 , he replied amiably : ‘ Everybody that can remember what they were doing on August 8th 1985 , raise your hand . ’
8 Pioneering scholarship in the 1960s by Rudé and Rose suggested that food rioting first occurred in Oxfordshire in the closing years of the seventeenth century and then spread over the South and West and into the Midlands , but were uncommon in the northern counties .
9 And where Antoinette laid down guidelines — just as she had done when she advised her own daughter on Scottish affairs when Mary of Guise first went to Scotland — her son , the cardinal , filled in the details .
10 Spicer 's tiles and fittings are made by hand from clay , according to methods first used by craftsmen during Richard III 's reign .
11 PLOs are a variation of PKOs ( price-keeping operations ) , the term first coined by brokers to describe the government 's stockmarket-support exercise late last year .
12 The study of control and communication in the animal and the machine , a term first used by Norbert Weiner in 1947 ( Oxford English Dictionary Supplement ) .
13 Fragmentation takes place where blocks of low-income poor housing and their associated populations are broken up and dispersed , either through deliberate slum clearance and dispersal of population , as in the late nineteenth century ( Stedman Jones , 1971 ) ; or by the decentralizing effects of the policies of earlier post-war years , overspill outer estates and new towns ; or through the later processes of ‘ gentrification ’ ( Glass , 1964 ) — a term first used by Ruth Glass but popularized in the late 1970s — i.e. the emergence of new wealthy areas as in Islington or Docklands and the displacement of the poorer local population , likely to be further encouraged by the impact of the poll tax .
14 When Gundovald first arrived in Gaul he apparently had an considerable quantity of treasure with him , which must suggest that he initially had the backing of the Byzantine emperor , whose concerns about the Lombards in Italy may well have stretched to a desire to see a close ally established in Francia .
15 He told her of Christie 's reaction when the Mousetrap first went on stage .
16 When large quantities of Chinese blue and white porcelain first arrived in Europe in the 17th century the demand was so high it was nicknamed ‘ Chinamania ’ ; the phrase is just as apt today .
17 But when we examine exactly which books are being read , we find that it is usually books first encountered as TV programs or movies .
18 The archaeological evidence suggests that silver first came into use on a substantial scale during the third millennium B.C. It was not until metallurgy had been carried to a relatively advanced level of sophistication that the production of silver in any quantity became practicable .
19 Here were familiar ambiguities over state support for purity demands first experienced by Coote twenty years before .
20 The fighting first erupted on July 16 when Hezbollah fighters captured the Amal-held village of Jarju in the Iqlim al-Tuffah hills south of Sidon .
21 On May 25 the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) announced that it had agreed to reactivate its standby programme first agreed in November 1989 and suspended in February 1990 [ see pp. 37040 ; 37244 ] , and to allow an immediate drawing of US$240 million of the $1,400 million made available under the original agreement .
22 AIDS first came to light in the USA in 1981 when the Centers for Disease Control , which monitor health data from local health departments , noticed a marked increase in a number of unusual infections , particularly amongst gay men .
23 Since Cisco first appeared in shops last year , local hospitals have reported an unusual number of teenagers ( who tend to like the relatively weak ‘ wine coolers ’ ) checking in with alcohol poisoning after drinking the stuff .
24 Our Lady first appeared in Father Cavanagh 's chapel in the summer of 1879 .
25 On March 25 Cepaitis had been convicted by the Supreme Court of having " deliberately co-operated with the KGB [ former Soviet state security committee ] " , an accusation first made in November 1991 .
26 He frequents a seedy restaurant — ‘ You see this wretched tavern I spend all my time in , and I enjoy it , or rather it 's not that I really enjoy it , but one must have somewhere to perch ’ : this is the form which the Dostoevsky no-home takes with him , likewise the transpersonal motif first voiced by Marmeladov in this novel , that a man must have somewhere to go .
27 Did Laboulbeniales first arrive in ant colonies on the backs of invading commensals and parasites ?
28 Long ago , the legend said , the security ( or spy-catching ) service and the espionage ( or spy-hiring ) service had been born next door to each other in rooms 5 and 6 of the corridor where Military Intelligence first nested in Whitehall .
29 Meanwhile , a month after the administrators first moved into Leyland Daf 's sales and marketing headquarters in Thame , 75 jobs have already gone and the future of the other 300 remains uncertain .
30 The Sinhalese wedding case also has general value because it provides an exceptionally clear example of the three-phase structure of rites of passage first recognized by Hertz and Van Gennep around 1908 but which has subsequently been shown to apply to all kinds of social rituals .
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