Example sentences of "[noun] could [verb] through [art] " in BNC.

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1 Much of the potential for transferability of good practice could come through a series of innovations which partnership might originate , provided it is prepared to transcend traditional structures .
2 Apparently no known tank force could break through a six-lane snarl-up , so the authorities have to be able to whistle up a traffic jam within minutes .
3 When you are next out on a walk , take a look and see of a wheelchair could get through a kissing gate .
4 John Durno , governor of Saughton prison , said yesterday that up to 200 prisoners could go through the programme in the year .
5 All Robert could see through the keyhole was the blur of Mr Malik 's grey jacket , passing and repassing ; he seemed to be running , now in one direction , now in another .
6 Before the dropping of the atomic bombs , the Americans had feared that the Russians would not honour their pledge to join the war against the Japanese , and it is believed that the Allied forces were held back in Europe , so that the Russian troops could advance through the eastern part of Europe into Czechoslovakia .
7 The duration of the very short-term financing which central banks could draw through the EMCF was increased to three and a half months ( an increase of one month ) .
8 If Michael Banks could get through the part having his lines relayed to him by radio , then so , the producer 's reasoning ran , could any other actor .
9 One moment she was running and dodging through the striations of ice and carmine and sloe , with the fear that the walls of Spiderglass could see through the ancient cliffs of Mars to where she finally crouched , exhausted .
10 Hounds could run through the place tomorrow … " it was Dada 's voice , and it sounded desperate .
11 An elderly woman had appeared out of the kitchen which Edwards could see through the half-opened door at the end of the small hallway .
12 He showed how music could flow through a scene and not be broken up into short numbers which encouraged the audience to applaud each time .
13 It had to do something , because uncertainty had to be brought to an end ; but only enlightened bureaucrats at the centre could cut through the diversity of opinion in the provinces .
14 United manager Keegan could push through a £750,000 deal for 22-year-old Hignett after the visit of Watford .
15 That is , rather than automatically re-entering the tree after a word ending , the path could continue through the tree establishing a close correspondence between certain words , independently of syntactic and semantic processing .
16 An EC-EFTA meeting on Dec. 19 made progress in discussions on the European Economic Area or EEA ( the term now adopted in preference to " European Economic Space " or EES — see pp. 37134 ; 37535 ) , and it was anticipated that these EC-EFTA talks would now reach a conclusion by mid-1992 such that an EEA agreement could go through the various ratification processes and take effect on Jan. 1 , 1993 .
17 There was no way this tank could get through the trapdoor into the attic .
18 The colouring could pass through the shell into the egg , especially if the shell were to break during cooking .
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