Example sentences of "[noun] could [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 Melton Park would have a very easy passage in the Members ' , but may instead go for the Restricted , where his main opposition could come from The Grey Boreen .
2 To calculate unc Feynman tells us that we should think of all the different ways in which an old-fashioned electron with classically picturable simultaneous position and momentum could travel from the source through slit 1 and onto the specified point on the second screen .
3 There is still a possibility the club could resign from the Northern League before Tuesday 's deadline .
4 English fishermen 's leaders gave warning that militant action could result from the failure of the council to aid the catchers .
5 No boat could come from the mainland in this wind . ’
6 Some schools in affluent industrial districts could profit from the scheme while those in rural areas with few companies nearby would have little chance of extra support .
7 I have recently been in New Zealand and I think Scotland could benefit from the kind of facilities they have .
8 That the people of Sheila na gigh could rise from the ashes of their homes and join together in a celebration , a unity in the face of such adversity , made him proud to be a Celt .
9 Maggie could tell from the expression on Mr Sanderson 's face that much thought had gone into this .
10 UNCTAD 's annual report on the least developed countries ( LDCs ) , issued on Feb. 11 , said that these countries could benefit from the new international situation and especially from the settlement of long-standing conflicts , which would permit resources to be diverted from military purposes and the care of refugees to improve economic prospects .
11 Those from tropical countries could suffer from the cold in winter unless their shelters provide a draughtproof , warm and dry habitat for them .
12 And North-East companies could benefit from the buying bonanza , according to Mr Hamilton .
13 Beside her Kim was struggling to hide his feelings , but Lan could tell from the paleness of his face that he was apprehensive and on edge .
14 ‘ Pugna pro patria ’ , ‘ Fight for your country ’ , was a call which Bishop Brinton could make from the pulpit in the 1370s .
15 The plinth at the base was used as an altar , Mass being celebrated in the open so that people too afraid to move from their houses could benefit from the service .
16 Bank Rate was the rate at which discount houses could borrow from the Bank in order to meet any shortage of liquidity .
17 It was agreed by both the DES and HMI that , since university teacher training represented excellence , they had nothing to fear , and other institutions could learn from the reports .
18 Either the debtor or the creditor could appeal from the decision of the court to a single-judge Court of Appeal which gave a final decision .
19 Schönhuber manoeuvred around the ‘ old Nazi ’ tag , while making plain that not only was he proud to have been in the Waffen SS , but that there was indeed something worthwhile that Germans could salvage from the Nazi era .
20 A second difficulty could arise from the Labour Party rule ( again dating from 1981 ) that a Leader in office as Prime Minister can be challenged for the Leadership at a Party conference if an election is requested by a majority of the conference on a card vote .
21 He failed to show how from the other direction values could arise from the people and become incorporated in the state ideology .
22 Contrasted in this way it seems improbable that madness and creativity could spring from the same source .
23 Nevertheless , those who respect the ballot box but who can not agree on any form of self-government could learn from the Israeli-Palestinian settlement .
24 The first contract contemplated the creation of sub-sales — so that the seller could predict from the outset that in the event of non-delivery the buyer might suffer loss in connection with sub-sales .
25 The idea is among those that have been taken over successfully into the theory of evolution by John Maynard Smith , who has shown why the evolutionarily stable strategy in a given situation may not be the strategy that would bring most benefit to every individual — the catch being that the only way all individuals could benefit from the best possible strategy , is for all to agree to pursue that strategy .
26 The trading community could suffer from the hazards which war created for shipping or through the destruction of possible export markets .
27 Anyone who was prepared to submit himself to a debtors ' prison for a token period could apply from The Fleet or the Marshalsea for the help of the Insolvent Debtors Court .
28 Corresponding in their insignificance to the islets of the sea , two small clumps of trees , one on each side of the only fault in the impeccable joint , marked the mouth of the river Meinam we had just left on the first preparatory stage of our homeward journey ; and , far back on the inland level , a larger and loftier mass , the grove surrounding the great Paknam pagoda , was the only thing on which the eye could rest from the vain task of exploring the monotonous sweep of the horizon ( 4 ) .
29 His face seemed to show nothing except benevolent interest , but Julia could tell from the way that he was carrying his head and a certain tension in his body that they were approaching a crisis point .
30 Martha could see from the humourless stretch of her grandmother 's mouth that she judged Mrs Joyce and her offspring an unwelcome addition to the neighbourhood .
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