Example sentences of "[noun] who work for [art] " in BNC.

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1 In future the computer expert will be the outsider who works for the manufacturer or as an independent adviser .
2 The journalists who worked for the popular newspapers were only concerned to please their readers , and the truth was irrelevant .
3 The name given to an Icelandic shepherd who worked for a farmer named Thorwall .
4 Erm some lady who works for the council or something .
5 The death by drowning of a girl who worked for a Minister of the Crown and who died after dining at the restaurant where the Minister 's wife was also dining , whether or not he himself was present , would normally have justified at least a brief paragraph in one of the national papers .
6 The Defense Department employs nearly 80 per cent of the civilian and military personnel who work for the federal government and , in 1978 , was paying over 5 million incomes to military personnel and civilian employees past and present .
7 One advantage of complete mixes is that these problems have been corrected by nutritionists who work for the compound feed manufacturers .
8 In addition , there are perhaps another 200 professional musicians who work for a substantial part of their time in cathedrals , collegiate and choral foundations , and Royal Peculiars .
9 In 1961 the Club was developing a more commercial approach to itself , in no small measure owing to Jack Webb who worked for the Club 's accountant , Spencer Ell .
10 It 's fine if all year round you carry the bag of a genuine superstar , who might win £500,000 ; but a caddie who works for a golfer who is outside the top twenty in the Order of Merit will not exactly be reaching for the champagne every night .
11 Yong 's father was appalled at the idea , but was finally persuaded to invest in fifty tons of raw salt , to be used in the curing of the venison which abounded in the Eastern islands , as well as several hundred plastic chairs , and a quantity of spare diving equipment for the pearl-shellers who worked for the Aru branch of the Tan family .
12 A company is employee controlled if more than half its issued ordinary share capital and voting power is beneficially owned by full-time employees , namely individuals who work for the greater part of their time as employees or directors of the company or its 51% subsidiaries .
13 ‘ I have an old friend who works for a publisher in New York and I stayed with her for a couple of weeks while I found a job .
14 Back in Australia , I have a bent wishbone from a Shadow F1 car — a priceless present from a mechanic friend who worked for the grand prix team during the '70s .
15 I had a friend who worked for the oil people , and I decided to stay after a visit to this place .
16 2 ‘ Internal capitalists ’ are senior executives who work for a single firm , but do not have a substantial ownership stake in it .
17 It is symbolic that a Babylonian text records a payment of oil to Jehoiakin , the son of the king of Judah , and to seven Greek carpenters who worked for the Babylonian court ( Ancient Near Eastern Texts , 2 ed. , p. 308 ) .
18 At present , the vast majority of people who work for the Scottish Transport Group come within a pension scheme-TOPS .
19 What he did not give in response to the many points made by my Hon. Friend the Member for Dundee , East ( Mr. McAllion ) were absolute guarantees and reassurance for the people who work for the Scottish Transport Group .
20 The people who work for the ES are civil servants .
21 The eight hundred and thirty five people who work for the Polymer Engineering division in Ross on Wye and Ashchuch can tonight breath a sigh of relief .
22 Servants were people who worked for the government or for a company : in Kufra 68 per cent , in Ajdabiya 52 per cent of men were government servants , about one third of them conscripts .
23 The Kurds who worked for the Turks killed her husband and children .
24 Mr Mafouz , a big , jolly man who worked for a travel agent , was compiling a dossier on him .
25 The Crown lawyer said the court would hear that the probable target was a man who worked for the Environment Department and whose tasks also involved working at Ministry of Defence properties .
26 In the book The Soul of a New Machine , Tracy Kidder quotes a secretary who worked for the Eagle Team under the visionary Tom West .
27 The IRA regarded civilians who worked for the security forces as " legitimate targets " , but the attacks on civilian workers prompted several joint protest demonstrations by Catholic and Protestant workers .
28 In the pension scheme there are typically three groups of members , the existing pensioners er those people who are still working for the company , the employees and the third group of er members who work for the companies generally referred to as deferred members .
29 Dr Thomas Stuttaford , a former Conservative MP who works for the private health group , Bupa , also says moderate drinking can reduce stress , prevent heart disease , provide nutrition , and help relaxation .
30 The list of British craft union leaders of this period is filled with men who worked for a spell in the United States or somewhere else overseas , as they might have worked for a spell in Newcastle or Barrow-in-Furness .
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