Example sentences of "[noun] who [verb] i [art] " in BNC.

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1 I called the local council who told me the wasps were best left until the end of the season when they would follow their queen and find somewhere else to live .
2 I still have n't heard back from the young lady who sent me the Valentine card ; did you really mean it ?
3 The head of the family when I first remember them was William Henry Bayles who was Grandmother 's cousin and the father of a lady who taught me a little bit of music .
4 I 'm just sorry the whole thing happened and the man who must be embarrassed about this most of all is sponsor Matt Laverty who lent me the bike on Thursday night at practice . ’
5 The project scientist who sent me the disappointed and sceptical account of all this said that there were shrieks from the store room , but not of success .
6 I scrounged that off Tom McAskill who owes me a favour ’
7 It was Sayeeda who gave me an insatiable desire to open the doors of Oman , doors which were locked to most foreigners and needed a special key .
8 This appears , for instance , where Margery first rejects Wilekin 's advances , referring to " " houre Loverd , hevene king " " and going straight on to : ( " I have my lord who is my spouse who brought me a virgin to his house … " )
9 Put this to the wife who strikes me a blow with the potato-masher .
10 I 've arranged with a friend who owes me a favour that I 'll supply the supervisor for medical equipment being flown to Bucharest .
11 The person who called me a positivist went on to add that everyone knew that positivism was out of date — another case of refutation by denigration .
12 It was Nanny who told me the rotten news .
13 And when I appeal in parishes Sunday by Sunday I am aware that I meet the very people who made me a missionary .
14 It was Virginia who gave me the clue .
15 ‘ This came from the man who found me the assassin , ’ he went on .
16 It was De Gaulle who asked me the dumb question in the van-his condescension brought him down to what he imagined was my level .
17 At last I found a young doctor who gave me a curious look , but I begged him to examine Rachel , which he did , and then looked up and said , ‘ My dear lady , your daughter has bubonic plague ! ’
18 The doctor who gave me the medication asked me , ‘ Why did you do it ? ’ and I could n't answer because I did n't know .
19 If I analyse the bosses I 've worked for , the ones who irritated me the most were the ones who were indecisive and who constantly asked for more information just to delay making a decision .
20 Then , a bit later , I got your landlady who told me the bad news .
21 ‘ Remember , Alec , the doctor in London who gave me the job did say Koraloona was a living laboratory for the treatment of polio .
22 I would accept that since I saw a report only the other day about such a case ( the funeral director involved had a son in my class who brought me the file ) the embalmer had used 8 oz per 80 oz of a very good fluid , but had not put in any co or pre injection fluids and did not mix any other fluids , and he put in 4 × 80 oz bottles .
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