Example sentences of "[noun] make [adv] by the " in BNC.

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1 The photograph was found in an album made up by the late Sqn Ldr G Beeby .
2 In my opinion these financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Welsh Development Agency and the Group at 31 March 1990 and of the results and the source and application of funds of the Group for the year then ended and have been properly prepared in accordance with the Welsh Development Agency Act 1975 and determinations made thereunder by the Secretary of State with the approval of the Treasury .
3 That was just bullshit made up by the producers .
4 It picked up joint third prize in the British Tourism Awards made annually by the British Guild for Travel Writers .
5 The only other items you need to record are debits or credits made directly by the bank to your account .
6 Further to the March-April prison camp revelations , the Interior Ministry on June 7 denied allegations made recently by the UDF in the Washington Post that 20,000 people had been killed at the Lovech and other camps .
7 It comes in response to comments made recently by the chairman of the SIB , Andrew Large , that the PIA , if set up , must bring about a ‘ step change ’ in regulatory standards .
8 She may have read the remarks made yesterday by the Association of British Chambers of Commerce , which made its position perfectly clear on the agreement at Maastricht .
9 It said the figure was four times greater than the estimate made recently by the independent Henley Centre , and that the company was " ruthlessly exploiting the jobs issue " .
10 So I phoned around various contacts to see what it would cost me to have a tank made up by the ‘ local chap that most enthusiasts and many dealers tend to have tucked away somewhere .
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