Example sentences of "[noun] make [art] [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It did n't take much anaesthetic to render the exhausted patient unconscious , and , as Sophie made the first incision , she put aside her dislike of being critically watched by her professional rival and concentrated on her life-saving task .
2 Durham County champion Craig Kilgour made the first steps towards his comeback last weekend when he was among a number of county players who took part in a coaching session held by English Golf Union coach Bill Ferguson .
3 Back on the white(ish) stuff , John Welford made the second ascent of Simon Nadin 's 1987 testpiece Gonads giving it F8a+ , and then red-pointed Out of my Tree at Raven Tor as a warm down .
4 Scott and a team including Chris Bonington made the first ascent in 1977 ; on the rock ridge of Shivling East Pillar ; Greg Child belayed on Lobsang Spire in the Karakoram — another first ascent for Scott in 1983 .
5 In October Gen. Dmitri Yazov made the first visit to the USA by a Soviet Defence Minister , at the invitation of US Defence Secretary Dick Cheney .
6 In 1555 Primož Trubar made the first translation of the New Testament into Slovene and in 1584 a Slovene grammar was produced .
7 In that case make a second search before the first has expired .
8 Two Coldstream guardsmen who are accused of robbery while on the run from their unit in Germany made a second appearance before magistrates in Whitby .
9 Ben made the first on-sight of Psycho ( ) and followed it up with on-sights of Genesis ( ) , Rainbow Wall ( ) , Your mother , Monument and Anarchiste ( all ) with Mark sharing the honours on Monument .
10 Toney made the last day and the final two rounds , and I was on my way .
11 On the same day , Andy Popp made the fourth ascent of the scary Never Never Land , E6 6b .
12 I had arrived at Ullapool by bus in mid-afternoon , determined to satisfy an ambition to make a first visit to Lochinver .
13 as if following up a train of thought , he looked across at Joe , saying , ‘ I wonder if those thieving scoundrels will be on the prowl again tonight ? ’ and Joe answered , ‘ I should n't think they 'd have the nerve to make a third trip , not in the same week , anyway . ’
14 But it takes nerve to make the first step .
15 Gary Stretch makes the first defence of his British light- middleweight championship against Rochdale 's Derek Wormald at the London Arena tonight , knowing it could lead to a lucrative world title eliminator against Leicester 's Chris Pyatt .
16 The Trees seemed to be waiting for Tealtaoich to make the first move and the largest of the Oaks had inclined their heads quite courteously .
17 Rebecca makes the last contribution .
18 It 's a role that also brings team-mates into play more often and more decisively , most notably on Wednesday when a brilliant flick sent away Wright to make the second goal .
19 The exceptionally strong team , which included Mick Fowler — with whom Saunders made the first ascent of the ravishing Golden Pillar of Spantik — Caradog Jones and Steve Sustad , had hoped for an ascent of the mountain 's South East Spur — a 9,000 foot mega-Walker Spur .
20 Prime Minister Felipe González made a second visit to the Soviet Union on July 7-9 .
21 James Sadler made the 21st ascent in a balloon on October 7 , 1811 and in doing so , became the first aeronaut to visit the Fenland region .
22 South Korea made an eleventh hour concession on Aug. 12 by suggesting that the North might be permitted to select only those whom it wished to receive from the 61,000 names on the list .
23 It was difficult to reach an agreed policy and the CDP was now waiting for the CNAA to make the next move' .
24 Although there was some confusion between their maps and descriptions of the peak , Knox-Johnston , Bonington and Greenland expert Jim Lowther made a first attempt on the peak on 11–12 August .
25 After Berry returned home to England with his party , Valeri Krishchaty and his team made a second attempt on the North-East ridge from their camp five at around 7,900m. close to the beginning of the pinnacles .
26 In 1850 , at his quinta ( mansion ) in Sto da Serra , John Blandy made the first butter to be sold commercially in Madeira .
27 INJURY-HIT Hartlepool made a last minute signing to replace injured record striker Andy Saville .
28 I was there the night that Madame made the first move in what I now see was a careful campaign to prepare Boy for this romance or meeting .
29 For instance , in 1986 , he and his crew made the first Hooker crossing of the Atlantic to be Ireland 's representative in the Parade of Sail which celebrated the Centenary of the Statue of Liberty .
30 Having talked to the person making the eighteenth birthday cake about our individual requirements , we chose some suitable flowers to fit a small silver vase that was placed on top of the cake , and once the guests had gone I hurried them into the presses I had taken with me to the party .
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