Example sentences of "[noun] get at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the higher primates these possibilities can already be seen emerging as actualities when chimpanzees use twigs to get at the occupants of a termite-mound , or wave branches to scare off leopards .
2 Inevitably this assault had to mean trouble for some of their own folk , since they must drive through the outer ring of Scots to get at the enemy — the cost which had caused Ramsay momentarily to hesitate .
3 When he removed the crates to get at the tarpaulin he realized it was covering something , further stimulating his interest .
4 But before the meeting could commence a group of young demonstrators attempted to break through the police lines to get at the counter-demonstrators , who were jeering , shouting slogans and singing party songs .
5 But two days later he was on duty , coloured bright orange from iodine on cuts and bruises got at the elections which he had attended in the Jlulat interest .
6 The cook needs room to get at the cooker , sink and cupboards without hindrance and to move around the kitchen comfortably .
7 ‘ If it 's so easy for Rain Morgan of the Daily Post to get at the truth , it 's a secret which ca n't be kept . ’
8 ‘ But sometimes it 's uncanny the way those things get at the truth .
9 The irony is primarily at the expense of Mrs Moreen ( a lady less refined than she would like to appear ) , and secondarily at the expense of Pemberton ( whom we smile at and with over his impotence to get at the information he wants ) .
10 Gabo , Moore and Hepworth took sections and punched holes to get at the space within .
11 You will just need to uudecode the following file called champs to get at the gif called leeds2.gif .
12 to let the plumber get at the water-main .
13 Where as he bought these machines and cleared up the rubbish to get at the slate .
14 The ideal network station comes with a variety of access controls to prevent other network users blundering around the files on your local hard disk and to prevent unauthorized users getting at the network .
15 In 1710 financiers in the City of London had formed the South Sea Company to bid for the right to use the privileges they expected Britain to get at the end of the war .
16 As they do not actually devour the tissue but merely pierce through the skin to get at the sap inside , the problem of making contact can become a little more difficult .
17 One evening Rosslyn 's horse came up from the paddock as usual for his dinner , but instead of practically knocking her over like he normally did in his enthusiasm to get at the food , he stopped quietly at her side and put his head in her hands , saying non-verbally : ‘ I hurt ! ’
18 Carpenter bees use their saw-jaws to cut holes in the sides of flowers to get at the nectaries .
19 At some point , you will probably have to write out your own version of other people 's ideas in the form of paraphrase or summary embedded in your own work ; so it could be argued that you should do the rewriting from the outset , as you take your notes , in an effort to get at the ideas behind the words rather than just repeating the words themselves .
20 Perhaps , with its powerful jaws , it also routinely crunched up bones of dead carcasses to get at the marrow , a scavenger-cum-predator like today 's lion or hyaena .
21 You 'll probably have to unscrew the joint to get at the basin of the U-bend .
22 And of course you really , in order to get at the origins of history , you 've really got to go back to the , to the Greeks .
23 Since that would mean that the World Bank would talk less to governments , one of the Treasury 's main reasons for bullying the IFC is in order to get at the Bank .
24 There was supposed to be no way to get at the bastard .
25 According to the consortium proposing the mine , digging an open pit is the only way to get at the tungsten , which is embedded as a wolframite ( iron manganese tungstenate ) in a deposit of granite .
26 More than the pigman gets at the farm .
27 ‘ I did n't realise I 'd be going round treading on people 's corns to get at the truth ! ’
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