Example sentences of "[noun] go up [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile the main path route goes up the valley until sea reappears ( where these two routes merge ) .
2 ‘ What we wanted to tell you , ’ she continued , ‘ was that we'se goin' up the woods on Saturdee and we was wonderin' if you 'd come with us like . ’
3 I knew that I would get a lift on a boat going up the canal .
4 I worked it out , from things Barbara Coleman told me , and I hitched a lift in a car going up the valley and walked the last mile or two .
5 So therefore you got motorbikes going up the ramps , which were n't designed for that .
6 He said well I could n't see any of that did n't even see the club go up the tree .
7 Another time in the same club he turned to me and said , ‘ The fellow on my other side went up the Irrawaddy in 1943 and he 's been taking me back there with him .
8 Everything in the supermarkets goes up every week .
9 There are tantalising descriptions of buildings now demolished — ‘ a wonderful high ceiling in the banking hall going up the equivalent of two storeys ’ — plus accounts of lunchtimes and commuting .
10 ‘ The cry goes up every morning to Rob , ’ sniggers Fred .
11 But so clearly visible and definitely new since the previous evening was a set of footprints , and looking around , a set of tracks , small hob-nailed boot tracks going up the staircase to the top and not coming down .
12 The civilian went up the ladder and retrieved the attaché case .
13 The hand closed over the receiver picked up vibration , and the cord to the microphone went up the wearer 's sleeve unobtrusively .
14 so he just kept going , so the pick-up jammed its anchors on , there was a Rover it was coming the other way , the Rover went up the verge
15 Notice how the grain goes up the body of Teddy , and his elbow nestles in the cushion
16 He was going to put the medals back in his drawer and listen out of the window for Lee going up the field , listen for the sheep .
17 I just make them see the colour going up the stem of a plant .
18 You could get to I know Graham went to , which is way out , other went up the Kimberley and that area , and other went to Sutton .
19 Sea-bed geology goes up the mountains
20 And the smoke goes up the chimney just the same
21 And the smoke goes up the chimney just the same .
22 And the smoke goes up the chimney just the same
23 They are used principally in forecasting , where the aim is not so much understanding the nature of the effects but predicting the net change that will occur in Y if X goes up a unit .
24 The interim dividend goes up a fraction to 3.1p , from 2.9p .
25 The interim dividend goes up a fraction to 3.1p , from 2.9p .
26 Yes , I must admit I had one or two people going up the loo and looking , I mean people stop and look when we first had all the stuff outside , you know , what you doing in there ?
27 S A U profits go up a bit because you get a credit from er
28 Gabriel went up the ladder two rungs at a time , and stood sweating behind his cloud .
29 I recall one man in the dale saying that he passed Sleetburn going up the fell to shepherd at 10 a.m. one day and heard Sam and Mother playing .
30 did the man go up the school ? , he never did he ?
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