Example sentences of "[noun] go from [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 The PC magazine market needs a reasonably priced down to earth mag so I hope your circulation goes from strength to strength but on present showing there 's a lot to do to get it right , Andrew H.
2 There 's Echo There 's Echo goes from strength to strength to the extent that one of its competitors , the main competitor , Tribune del Expansione was obliged to merge with Lacoude Francais I mentioned earlier that Ensure was re-launched and er it achieved a circulation of a hundred and five thousand .
3 Watery nasal discharge and obstruction goes from left to right nostril .
4 The National Consumer Credit Federation , representing check traders , told us that the agent going from door to door , usually with long experience of working for the firm , had quite a lot of discretion over whether or not to lend , though with small firms the bosses like to keep in touch themselves , often going on collection rounds so as to see customers , and certainly weighing up doubtful cases themselves .
5 Richards , who has just completed his first year as the Welsh Rugby Union development officer for Mid-Wales , wants to see the representative side going from strength to strength .
6 Car going from Woodcape to Copse who
7 The boy 's eyes went from face to face .
8 As the disembarked men were being lined up to march , a detail of mercenaries went from heap to heap , spiking those who still lived and removing what valuables they could discover .
9 Despite the recession , the hair business goes from strength to strength .
10 Because of the consciousness of using the correct level of language in a conversation or discussion , any interpreter one engages may unconsciously modify statements going from English to Japanese and back to English again , according to the rank of the people involved .
11 Indeed , if anything , modern societies seem bent on compounding the problem by considerably lengthening and complicating adolescence — a period of life which , as we have seen , barely exists in totemic societies where individuals go from childhood to adulthood via a few days of traumatic initiation .
12 When ARA famine officials went from Kazan' to Simbirsk in the autumn of 1921 , it took them four days to cover 150 miles .
13 For several years the business went from strength to strength .
14 Under his ownership , Craigie Mains went from strength to strength and soon he became the most prolific prize-winning owner the Clydesdale Society has known .
15 The Sainsbury 's Lifestyle range of textiles went from strength to strength as the new team of specialist buyers and technologists introduced more quality items such as children 's footwear and men 's knitwear .
16 THE great British biscuit goes from strength to strength .
17 Keeping the colour going from spring to summer is not always easy , but Jenny and Michael have managed it with the density and variety of planting .
18 The water went from calm to storm-tossed and the canoe began to jog sickeningly .
19 But Ben soon tired of such games and merely watched as Meg went from shop to shop , unchallenged by the android shopkeepers .
20 The officers responsible for these areas are all based at Northway so there will be no need for people to go from office to office in search of an answer .
21 Perhaps the England cricket team could learn a thing or two from the Institute 's own XI whose performance this season goes from strength to strength .
22 They said to this , the er , the shape of the stretchers going from side to side where you , where you can put your feet usually
23 Washington 's career went from strength to strength in the '40s and '50s , but her private life is the stuff of folklore .
24 Susan stood among tree-cover and watched a woman go from window to window — she was taking Lori 's role .
25 As Little Billy went from window to window , the Minpins followed him , clustering round and smiling at his exclamations of wonder .
26 These people go from house to house selling goods .
27 Logan 's name is now synonymous with publishing success and under his benign and brilliant regime the NME went from strength to strength .
28 The coin went from hand to reluctant hand .
29 It is not joyful ; a man goes from life to death .
30 It 's beautiful to think there 's a man who spends his life going from hotel to hotel , paying chambermaids to let him look in beds slept in by women , in the hope of finding some hairs !
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