Example sentences of "[noun] go [adv prt] [prep] there " in BNC.

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1 Oh , I think the story goes on from there , because I do n't think though and this is a personal opinion and I I 'd love the Committee to I do n't know tha that er I M R O ever did get accounts out of Liechtenstein because a year later B I M the m the ownership of it was transferred from Liechtenstein back to England but guess who the the , the owner was transfer to a charitable trust , so we 've got erm a company that is handling the investment management of seven hundred million pounds worth of pension funds which is owned by a charity and the and the accounts that were given to I M R O and these accounts were given to I M R O a year later , were charity commission er type accounts , which evidently showed something like five hundred thousand pounds in that charitable fund and er and no transactions you know , so and that company that was running that was the beneficial owner of our investment company where all the errors took place .
2 all sorts going off in there
3 It was 1984 , and I was in Los Angeles working incognito in the comedy clubs , just sussing out the American scene and seeing how my act went down over there .
4 Kevin rang Dessie Hughes and Swan went on from there .
5 Daddy 's having a ca , chaos going on in there !
6 Is is there some transport going off round there ?
7 ‘ Hear you 've got great things going on over there . ’
8 So it quite clearly there 's traffic going on to there that does n't with what you 're saying .
9 erm Stairs went up from there , that side there was the bath , in that corner was the copper , does anyone know copper ?
10 Bob went on from there , season in , season out , to the end of 1931–32 , by which time he had made 293 League appearances for Crystal Palace ( a club record at the time , but of course they did not make much of such things in those days ) and even today , almost 60 years later , there are fewer than only half a dozen Palace men who have played more times for us than that .
11 Right , that 's erm as time goes on along there ,
12 But I suppose the old house has pulled down under pressure and built on now but that was the only house going up through there in them days .
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