Example sentences of "[noun] go [adv] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 But you must you must have been asked dozens of times to go back into the pop concert field ?
2 In other words , I mean I 'm retired and I mean the point is that my erm experience goes back into the er into the dark ages I can almost say because in these days , you probably realise , I mean if anybody buys a video you do n't ask you do n't look for the book of instructions you ask about a five year old kiddy how to programme it !
3 In return for giving this guarantee , both employer and employee pay lower national insurance contributions , and the money goes instead into a separate pension fund .
4 Again , that money goes directly into the farmers ' pockets .
5 I could , to be sure , scribble off things the whole day long , but a composition of this kind goes out into the world , and naturally I do not want to have cause to be ashamed of my name on the title-page .
6 She felt as if she were sinking deeper and deeper in her own panic , her whole consciousness going down into a quicksand while her body stood there , stupid with fear .
7 Perhaps yeah I think you must have been airborne at that stage to be er , had such a enormous flame going up into the balloon .
8 the we the wee fella went out into the hallway and
9 The mess tin went back into the cupboard .
10 Fierce Eyes went out into the storm and returned with the grandmother 's grizzled skull , the hair frozen into spikes which he broke off and cast on to the fire , where they sizzled , cooled , then flared .
11 The two brothers went back into the Guild Office , and Ebenezer began to gasp and splutter , telling his story as best he could : what Florrie had said to him about Tom 's letter and what Tom had threatened to do … .
12 The car went right into the train .
13 Then he , too , turned and without a backward glance went out into the passage , slamming the door .
14 He who made the cunts talk went straightaway into the castle ; all ran to salute him and wished to welcome him warmly , in which he could take great pleasure . )
15 The interview went onwards into a mass of sexual innuendo before Morrissey was removed speedily from young Antonella 's reach by his tour manager .
16 Eva goes immediately into the bathroom .
17 If nothing else we hope that by attending college the students will have gained the confidence and determination to go out into the community and demand that changes be made .
18 In a separation section , the sludge is discharged , the clean sand going back into the system , so that the process of filtration is continuous and the " filter " is self-cleaning .
19 Implicit in the rhetoric of those who campaigned for stiffer age-of-consent legislation ( and the campaign went on into the 1930s to raise it above 16 , even to 21 ) was the assumption that young working-class girls were ignorant and defenceless and could not decide for themselves .
20 Then the big bearded hijacker went back into the Captain 's cabin .
21 Feeling in dire need of fresh air , Ellie went outside into the grounds .
22 Rose said she 'd seen her walking in the direction of the milking sheds , and with a little nod Ellie went out into the grounds .
23 But erm you know when we were on the strike if these lads would n't have gone back , there was couple of scabs went back into the quarry .
24 The ponies walked slowly because their feet went down into the snow .
25 They had their tea , then Boy went back into the living room to watch the breakfast television , which was sport , and then the phone rang .
26 In recognising that fact , as well as the reality that this package can not be amended or the entire community ratification process goes back into the melting pot , it was the pressure point likely to offer the greatest temptation to the Tory anti-Maastricht brigade .
27 The farm sets a good example in other ways too … branches pruned from the trees are shredded so the goodness goes back into the soil .
28 They had turned as if by common consent to go back into the cottage when the lights of a car , driven fast , came over the southern rise of the road .
29 Finally , once the client has agreed the schedule with the agency ( which may well be done before the content of the ads is finally agreed ) , it is the media person 's job to go out into the marketplace and buy the press space , the poster sites or the TV , radio or cinema spots .
30 The N.C. O. handed over the papers he had brought and after clicking his heels and saluting went back into the station without looking at me .
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