Example sentences of "[noun] but [vb past] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It would have surprised Claudia if Dana did have any money ; she earned a great deal but spent it as fast as she made it , and , while it made sense for Roman to bring her under his wing , Claudia resented it fiercely .
2 As Mr Leslie had explained earlier he was completely sober and was not given to imagination , he screwed his eyes up looking for the reason for the footsteps ; he could n't see the feet but heard them quite distinctly passing him in the ballast below .
3 She duly turned to the Psalms but found them equally disturbing .
4 Well , Tam has asked the question but answered it elsewhere , writing that Crossman 's ‘ sense of his own position in the elite of the nation never deserted him ’ , and that ‘ he seldom if ever had any doubts about his place at the very epicentre of the British Establishment ’ .
5 Under the previous legislation the Secretary of State had the discretion to turn down applications but exercised it only 519 times in the space of five years .
6 Thus the ‘ qualities ’ covered a wider range of sports but gave them proportionately much less space overall than the populars .
7 Had a slight argument with a Sunderland but left it O.K.
8 They twice tried owning houses but found it too expensive so they gave them away , and Charles refused to accept any of his estranged father 's estate .
9 He had qualified at university in geology and geography , had tried teaching in Hull but found it too confining and when one of the old guard told him he should be spending more time with children who had some potential rather than those to whom he felt committed , he resigned on the same day .
10 But they said that it was a different matter over in the west , around Appleby way , where they generally paid more money but worked you very hard and gave you little meat .
11 The auditor commended the council on sports improvements but said it still needed to address key issues such as staff cover at the swimming pool .
12 The Court accepted that the agreement did not formulate precisely the inhabitants ' rights but thought them sufficiently precise for judicial enforcement .
13 One currant bun in the baker shop , sticky and round with sugar on the top , Peter pay a penny but took it away , now there was none left on the tray
14 Wurlitzer originally wrote a quite different last chapter to his novel but threw it away because it seemed too analytical .
15 Middlesex dropped Ramprakash for the next championship match against Hampshire at Southampton but recalled him yesterday for their game against Sussex at Hove .
16 He tugged at his knife but had it only half-drawn when the huge taloned paw of the bear smashed his head as if it was a rotten apple .
17 However , even if the L.G.U. was left wondering if it should n't have kept the public better informed , it must have been greatly heartened by the number of spectators who not only came to this out-of-the-way championship but made it abundantly clear that they were greatly taken with the high standard of play .
18 That night I did not open my window to the usually sweet night air but kept it tight shut against the threatening darkness .
19 He granted an injunction restraining the defendant from using and/or disclosing confidential information but qualified it so that it did not apply to communications made by the defendant either to FIMBRA or the Inland Revenue in respect of the matters identified in the defence .
20 We stood eyeing each other for a few minutes and then to my amazement a jeep came up ; the farmer saw my problem and not only gave me a lift past the bull but took me right to the main road where the bike was .
21 They are chewing a drug plant and drinking their quite disgusting beer or spirit — I had only one sip and did not stay to analyse the taste but rejected it instantly — the dancers — wearing headdresses feathered like exotic birds and daubed all over with signs and scribbles — messages to their gods , I assumed — then begin to pound the earth in a movement which matches the drumming perfectly and , like the drumming , is powerfully affecting . ’
22 According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle A ( s.a. 755 ) Beornred succeeded to the kingdom on the death of Aethelbald but held it only for a short time and unhappily .
23 Catherine II persisted with this form but had it more richly jewelled ( fig. 37 ) .
24 She wandered back into the small sitting-room with her mug of tea , put it down on the polished surface of a table but removed it hastily in case it left a tell-tale ring which S. Kettering might complain about in the future .
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