Example sentences of "[noun] she [was/were] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Almost a year after presenting to the accident and emergency department she was referred to our chest unit for observation and treatment .
2 Bearing witness in Great Torrington she was sent to Exeter prison , long detained before trial , and finally ‘ Whipt till the Blood ran down my back ’ .
3 In spring she was sent to their country place with mamina and some nice English tutor and they stayed all summer .
4 At three months she was sent to her grandparents in France for three years .
5 The two sets of carers who were not content with the institutionalisation decision were : the male friend of a single woman who said it had been a pleasure to visit her daily and help look after her ; after five months she was admitted to hospital under a guardianship order because she was felt to be at risk .
6 ‘ Stay , please , ’ said Maggie ; now she was on her feet she was returning to them rapidly .
7 ‘ In the present case the act or omission of the defendant occurred while he was driving a motor car upon a public highway , and it was , we think , then reasonably foreseeable that such act or omission might cause injury to a pregnant woman in the car with which his car collided and might cause the child she was carrying to be born in an injured condition .
8 But suddenly reality was distorted and in her dream she was pulled to the ground and the two of them began digging at her chest with the rakes .
9 The whole interior was marked by the same fastidiousness she was applying to this task ; every surface neat and polished .
10 Dr Neil looked down at the bent blue-black head , and some idea of the enormous concession she was making to him struck home .
11 Donna remembered with sorrow the number of humiliations she had endured from her in school , and the thought of exposing the contents of the parcel she was carrying to such a merciless judge unnerved her .
12 Within a few hours she was transferred to the neurosurgical unit at Addenbrookes hospital , Cambridge .
13 Louise was what was known as an ‘ exchange student ’ ; at home in Nîmes she was training to be an English teacher and she was doing a year 's exchange as part of her course , teaching French conversation at the local grammar school .
14 When she arrived in the outer office , she sat at her desk , trembling , hoping Damian would not appear all day , but of course she was lying to herself again , appalled by her own desire .
15 At assessment she was found to be severely depressed with a score of thirty-two on the Beck Depression Inventory ( Beck et al . ,
16 On the following Monday she was to report to Mr F. Sear in the Tool-Hardening Shed ; the money would be £4–18 shillings and 6 pence per week before overtime .
17 The feeling of being pressed against his solid , rock-hard body almost undid her completely , and for a moment she was forced to simply lean against him , her legs all but giving way beneath her .
18 I had to give her a little reminder now and then , to stop her attempting to fly off into the wide blue yonder , by gently pulling the leash , but within two days she was coming to me just as willingly as she had on the straight creance .
19 Sub pose she was left to the last !
20 She arrived at her hotel in Mariánské Láznë early on Thursday afternoon , where she had a snack in her room while she got out Cara 's list and memorised again all the questions she was to put to Mr Vendelin Gajdusek in the morning .
21 And she goes up Parker school so she was going , she said to Ange she was talking to Miss tomorrow .
22 Martha , however , was ready to question her grandmother 's notions of colour since , whatever colour she was considered to be , it only seemed to bring her trouble .
23 Before they parted May told her friend she was going to the cinema but she never left her house again .
24 When Christine , a canteen waitress at Sellafield , suffered an injury to her back she was referred to Carlisle Infirmary for a scan .
25 ‘ W-who … ? ’ she stammered , while some part of her intelligence prodded away that — could it be that he somehow knew that she was not the person she was pretending to be ?
26 Cawla was a hairdresser she was going to be getting her own chair .
27 Her sisters-in-law excluded her from their gossip ; the servants behaved towards her with greater formality and at least once a day she was summoned to Dona Marguerita 's room to sit with her and listen to her talking about the family 's history and her hopes and ambitions for João .
28 The next day she was rushed to Nottingham City Hospital where tests revealed TSS , and she was treated immediately with antibiotics .
29 And apparently at speech day she was talking to s do you know she had the cheek to say to me she had the cheek to tell somebody to say that I should at least have the decency to go out with someone who 's half looking , half good looking .
30 On–y the other day she was saying to me that people with no parents did n't like being asked questions . ’
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