Example sentences of "[noun] she [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Then at top speed she raced for the keeper 's cottage .
2 Then she stood up and without a backward glance she walked from the cafeteria .
3 Leonora straightened her shoulders , pale and vulnerable in the plain black sweater and skirt she wore in the shop .
4 So how could she possibly tell her friend about the almost wild grief she felt at the prolonged absence of her husband ; the deep , stabbing pain in her heart when she remembered their wonderful night of passion ?
5 On unsteady legs she walked towards the painting , seeing for the first time the mischievous face of a gremlin peeping out beneath the skirt of an old lady bent double , sweeping a woodland path .
6 In the privacy of her bedroom she grimaced in the direction of the voice and made her way downstairs , taking her time , not caring if he went grey in the process of waiting for her .
7 On brisk steps she headed through the door to the conservatory .
8 Guy Sterne 's eyes held a glitter of amusement , but a darker emotion she saw in the pale green-grey brought colour sweeping up her neck to her face .
9 In the full face of the ridicule she went to the post office evening after evening , ridicule she willed not to see or notice .
10 Mrs Stych snapped back that all the ladies present must be well aware of the multitude of offices she held in the charitable organizations of Tollemarche .
11 As she caught her breath , her temper erupted , and in wild self-defence she pushed against the steel wall of his chest , twisted frantically in his arms , her grey eyes sparking fire as she lifted her hand to hit out at him blindly .
12 The Princess , dressed simply in a white blouse and dark skirt , was draped with crimson flower garlands as she flew over Mount Everest in a helicopter , 40 years after a British-sponsored expedition became the first to reach the summit of the world 's highest mountain.As she flew past the snowy peak a relative of a Nepalese climber who accompanied Sir Edmund Hillary up Everest in 1953 was leading a seven-member Australian team up the mountain.Although the Princess did not see any climbers she told fellow passengers aboard her Super Puma helicopter that she had a wonderful time seeing the mountain through clear skies .
13 As he turned back to his car she fled across the motorway .
14 The girls , as in her mind she thought of the Misses Cardings , had trimmed it with a deep tone of lime-green velvet ribbon and in the heart of the bow at the side they had placed two tiny red silk rosebuds .
15 In her mind she went over the transformation .
16 And with this in mind she returned to the reception desk to ask Stella if she could use the phone .
17 A quick glance at her watch showed that she would have time for a short walk outside before dinner , and with this in mind she sprang from the bed and raked a comb through her hair .
18 To cover her confusion she enquired after the latest entertaining village gossip from Lucy , who was prone to whiling away hours at the ante-natal clinic in deep conversation with fellow village wives .
19 As she made the tea she thought about the way her brothers had talked about Mandy Watkins .
20 After making the tea she sat at the kitchen table to drink it , and was still sitting there when dawn broke .
21 This result she attributed to the very short duration of persistence of the icon , which meant that it had faded before the cue could be utilised to sample selectively .
22 There are though , records of a talk she gave to the Royal Photographic Society at Russell Square in London on October 28th 1913 .
23 There are though , records of a talk she gave to the Royal Photographic Society at Russell Square in London on October 28th 1913 .
24 ( Calle 's show also includes , in the gallery 's smaller room , the piece she did for the Carnegie International about the theft of Old Master paintings from Boston 's Gardner Museum . )
25 They crossed M Street and kept going and in a doorway she snatched off the wig and beret and rammed them into the shoulder bag that had been expanded from the purse she had been carrying before .
26 And it is true what your father says … when I think of what it was like after the War , and when I look around now — ’ suiting her actions to her words she looked around the café , at the ladies , old and frail , like herself , respectable in black and grey — ‘ these went through it too , ’ she said , ‘ and look at them , at us , coffee and cake on a Sunday morning .
27 The pictures she shot for the cinema were negligible compared to the pictures she shot for pure publicity .
28 Apart from her looks , and especially those deep green eyes , she was cheerful and friendly and seemingly unaware of the effect she had on the unsophisticated young men around her .
29 Moira knew exactly what designs she needed in the shop and would tell Meirion to have two dozen of a particular style ready for delivery to the shop within two days at most .
30 Sweating with fear she wriggled through the hole , then ducked under the freight car and crawled slowly forward on her belly between the two sets of rails .
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