Example sentences of "[noun] at the time [that] " in BNC.

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1 By a notice of appeal dated 23 April 1992 the Treasury Solicitor appealed on the grounds that ( 1 ) on a true construction of the Evidence ( Proceedings in Other Jurisdictions ) Act 1975 the court was precluded from making the order for examination ; ( 2 ) the deputy judge had erred in law in making the order and in holding that ( i ) it was possible to interpret section 9(4) of the Act so as not to preclude the order sought , ( ii ) the exclusion contained in section 9(4) was restricted to cases where the actual capacity in which the witness was called on to give evidence was a Crown capacity and that the fact that the evidence sought was acquired in the course of the witness 's employment as a servant of the Crown was not of itself sufficient to bring the case within the exclusion , ( iii ) the fact that the witness was now retired from his position was relevant to the question whether the exclusion in section 9(4) applied , ( iv ) if some other interpretation were possible , it would be unacceptable to approach section 9(4) as requiring the court to refuse to make the order that a witness who was competent and compellable within the United Kingdom should give evidence for foreign proceedings , ( v ) there was nothing in the material sought to be given in evidence which it could have been the policy or intention of the Act to have prevented being explored ; ( 3 ) the deputy judge had erred in law in approaching the question of capacity by concentrating on the position of the witness at the time that the evidence was to be given as opposed to the position of the witness at the time that he acquired the information which was the subject matter of the evidence and the nature content and source of such evidence ; ( 4 ) the judge had wrongly ignored the fact that the Crown as a party to the Hague Convention was in a position to give effect to it and to provide evidence to foreign courts in accordance with it without recourse to the court ; and ( 5 ) the judge had wrongly approached section 9(4) on the footing that it most likely addressed prejudice to the sovereignty of the state .
2 By a notice of appeal dated 23 April 1992 the Treasury Solicitor appealed on the grounds that ( 1 ) on a true construction of the Evidence ( Proceedings in Other Jurisdictions ) Act 1975 the court was precluded from making the order for examination ; ( 2 ) the deputy judge had erred in law in making the order and in holding that ( i ) it was possible to interpret section 9(4) of the Act so as not to preclude the order sought , ( ii ) the exclusion contained in section 9(4) was restricted to cases where the actual capacity in which the witness was called on to give evidence was a Crown capacity and that the fact that the evidence sought was acquired in the course of the witness 's employment as a servant of the Crown was not of itself sufficient to bring the case within the exclusion , ( iii ) the fact that the witness was now retired from his position was relevant to the question whether the exclusion in section 9(4) applied , ( iv ) if some other interpretation were possible , it would be unacceptable to approach section 9(4) as requiring the court to refuse to make the order that a witness who was competent and compellable within the United Kingdom should give evidence for foreign proceedings , ( v ) there was nothing in the material sought to be given in evidence which it could have been the policy or intention of the Act to have prevented being explored ; ( 3 ) the deputy judge had erred in law in approaching the question of capacity by concentrating on the position of the witness at the time that the evidence was to be given as opposed to the position of the witness at the time that he acquired the information which was the subject matter of the evidence and the nature content and source of such evidence ; ( 4 ) the judge had wrongly ignored the fact that the Crown as a party to the Hague Convention was in a position to give effect to it and to provide evidence to foreign courts in accordance with it without recourse to the court ; and ( 5 ) the judge had wrongly approached section 9(4) on the footing that it most likely addressed prejudice to the sovereignty of the state .
3 There was no doubt in my mind at the time that Ferrari wanted him and that negotiations had reached a fairly advanced point : perhaps exactly the point Mario wanted , the point where he could go to Chapman and say that he 'd like to stay at Lotus but that Chapman had to be able to match Ferrari 's money .
4 The Christians gave no indication at the time that they foresaw any such developments , although Arab nationalists in Lebanon and Syria at first refused to recognise that a nation-state existed which was separate from Syria .
5 The bishop was headmaster of Winchester College at the time that Ramsey 's brilliant brother Frank was a scholar .
6 This order is consistent with the established relationships between subjects at the time that the scheme was first published ( 1876 ) , but produces some strange collocations for today 's literature .
7 With regard to indirect discrimination , the EOC conducted a postal survey of all the applicants to the Society in one year to establish whether or not each candidate could have complied with the mobility requirement at the time that they applied for the job .
8 Many subsequent critics have taken up the point made by radical blacks at the time that this was a romantic and pastoral view of the rural South , but several early critics hailed the film as a brilliantly realistic depiction of a whole section of American society .
9 The force of his sincerity convinced many Western observers at the time that he was simply mad , deluded by his own propaganda .
10 That is the two hundred million that I was referring to er , earlier , was n't in place at the time that we made our write there .
11 Now it was a rule and the custom at the time that any of the staff could impose a fine on the spot and in this circumstance Fagan imposed a fine of 10 " ackers " — that is 10 piastres , which I can not remember what the value was at the time , but let us say it was something in the order of 5 .
12 Dulcie Howes , who wrote that comment to me , had told the Cape Town critic Denis Hatfield at the time that John would never really be a dancer but that he had ‘ such a remarkable eye for balletic pattern , an imagination so vivid , and such an ear for music in relation to movement ’ that she was certain he would make a choreographer .
13 Join me every day at the time that suits you best .
14 This run of Tory election victories over the 1950s prompted the speculation at the time that the Tories had managed to establish themselves as the ‘ natural party of government ’ .
15 Wilfrid was resident in Mercia at the time that Queen Osthryth was murdered by Mercian nobles in 697 ( HE V , 24 ) .
16 Such was the style of the Service at the time that it was known as " The Best Flying Club in the World " , but measured against today 's standards , utterly amateurish and grossly incompetent .
17 The donor must be resident in the United Kingdom at the time that the gift is made .
18 As was intimated in the introduction , although there is little evidence to suggest that sexual behaviour changed greatly in the period , the feeling remained for many people at the time that this was nevertheless what was happening .
19 The Malthusian of June 1914 estimated that 100,000 women a year took drugs to induce miscarriage , and there were suggestions at the time that there were few mothers of large families who had not attempted abortion .
20 It was recorded by a convict who was on the island at the time that ‘ the Governor had the goodwill and respect of everyone for he always conducted himself as a Christian and a gentlemen . ’
21 There was a strong sense at the time that the novel needed an agenda .
22 As he notes in his autobiography , he was torn between the conflicting demands of American and F1 racing : ‘ I recall saying to Peter Revson at the time that I really envied the hell out of him . ’
23 I have already referred to the findings and the reasons given by the justices at the time that they announced their decision on 28 January 1992 .
24 If what was a secret at the time that the contract was entered into subsequently becomes public knowledge then it would be unrealistic if the court were simply to examine the question of reasonableness at the time when the contract was entered .
25 The Building Societies Association assured the Government at the time that , when the rule was introduced , there would be no reason to expect people to lose their homes as a result and they have not done so .
26 Because , well I told the police at the time that er I 've misplaced it and er my is .
27 Because , well I told the police at the time that er I 've misplaced it and er
28 went to put the , he , he went away again , but I , I did mention to the police , who I might say were very helpful were ninety per cent of burglars do n't get cleared up so of course it was n't important and I never expected it would be , but I did mention to the police at the time that I would like an future occasion because I 've been trying to use guns in America er to have a gun in the house but they er , but they would n't erm agree to it at all
29 I told the police at the time that he could not have done what they said he had . ’
30 The suggestion at the time that the Labour Party had been behind Profumo 's downfall was a little unfair to many members who repeatedly expressed their misgivings about the scandalous imputations , which several of them could not regard as a proper currency for a political difference .
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