Example sentences of "[noun] do at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Prandtl 's conclusions as to the efficacy of the Magnus effect in Flettner 's application were confirmed only recently by the results of an extensive study done carried only recently by the results of an extensive study done at the University of Dayton 's Research Institute .
3 Edgar Wilkinson , the BEA 's Commercial Manager and Ronald Edwards , an LSE economist , played a leading part in the deliberations of the committee , which heard some powerful evidence of the damage done at the peak , particularly by the space heating load , and of the need for restriction by an increased winter price or other means .
4 An act done at the request of the offeror in response to his promise is consideration ; and consideration in its essence is nothing else but response to such a request .
5 As for the second of those preconditions , whether the act done at the request of the promisor raises an implication of promised remuneration or other return is simply one of the construction of the words of the contract in the circumstances of its making . ’
6 Tutors will be paid an honorarium for the work done at a rate to be determined annually .
7 But Mr Dixon has warned that some of the non-teaching work done at the unit might have to be scaled down .
8 Cummins Engines , in Yarm Road , is putting on a special display of the work done at the plant which will include demonstrations of all the vehicles fitted with Cummins Engines .
9 There is then a carefully chosen extract from the writer 's work , followed by a bibliography , which not only includes references to critical responses done at the time of publication but modern reassessments as well .
10 There is still a lot of work to do at the Training Centre . ’
11 Indeed , even without having to go so far as the Commission of the European Communities did at the hearing in arguing that registration itself already constitutes a form of establishment , it must be observed that in any event registration is a precondition for taking up and pursuing activities in the fisheries sector .
12 Maynard was 13–1 up after five ends and 18–4 in front after eight , but his opposite number pulled back with two four counts to leave Reading with a job to do at the finish .
13 Q : What were you and your husband doing at the time ?
14 all that proved to me is , is that Helen the board , the examination board that Helen did at the college , she said it was a much , a much better exam to do than it was at
15 But they were not looking at one point , as the worshippers did at the Wimbledon Islamic Boys ' School ( Day Independent ) : they were moving up and down , backwards and forwards , bumping into each other and generally carrying on like people at Victoria Station during the rush hour .
16 Of these imaging studies performed before presentation to hospital , four ( 21% ) barium meal examinations gave false negative results in group A while six ( 14% ) barium meal examinations and 10 ( 31% ) ultrasound scans gave false negative results in group B. Of the studies done at the hospital , one ( 4% ) barium meal examination in group A and two ( 5% ) barium meal examinations and one ( 3% ) ultrasound scan in group B gave false negative results .
17 We 're entitled now you know to have all sorts of things done at the doctors , coming up to the right age to be hav to be done er
18 This tied in with the time factor where the pressure to get things done at the end of the day could lead to dangerous short cuts and a consequent drop in efficiency .
19 A place could become holy through some historical event , a memory of a work of God done at the site at a particular time .
20 Anyone possessing the gall to launch three blows into orbit and over the fence in the opening 20 minutes of the day , as Hooper did at The Oval last August when West Indies were following on , is no mere mortal .
21 How 's Alison doing at the moment ?
22 And if I did half as good a job as Brendan Ansbro and Ruth Watson do at the Fox and Goose in Fressingfield , Suffolk , then I 'd be a proud and happy man .
23 Additional data were obtained from procedures done at the discretion of the attending physician .
24 And it will be used for transplants of kidneys and other organs , there are already of course many transplants done at the Churchill , but they 're done in very cramped conditions , and this will provide not only better conditions for the patients , but also new research laboratories , and of course with transplants preventing rejection of the graft is very important , and that 's what the Churchill is particularly good at .
25 The pages of history will record and rehearse them far and wide , and every Englishman , whether in his island home or a wanderer on some foreign shore , will elate with admiration what George Foxlett Cutter did at the siege of Krishnapur ! "
26 The remainder of the course will be a research project done at the bench .
27 My sights were wide-ranging " I 'd like to work for the Daily Mirror or the Telegraph , " I informed my friends , as I sank a pint in the way I 'd seen the big-boys do at the time of the by-election .
28 This engine was still in the original crate and had only six hours on it as the result of run-up tests done at the factory in 1944 .
29 Managing nicely seemed an odd thing to do at the north end of the Reach .
30 We may defensively claim that it was the right thing to do at the time .
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