Example sentences of "[noun] they had been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mordecai had said that he usually approached the shop through the bazaar , and that was the side they had been watching .
2 As a result they had been driven out of the city by Richard 's agents and the cathedral was closed for twenty-one months .
3 Once again there was a flurry of bodies from the doorway they had been defending and another charge .
4 Maybe this was the break they had been waiting for .
5 All the seats had been taken , but once Myeloski had waved his warrant-card at the ticket-desk they had been given seats .
6 If their bodies had not been quite crushed to death by the labours they had been forced to perform for their Egyptian taskmasters , then surely their spirits had been .
7 They carried away the bin of meat fragments they had been carrying .
8 The Poles found that they could not impose any kind of law and order until they knew the exact borders they had been given , and as each day passed they became more and more desperate for a final decision .
9 For months they had been trying with divets and tackle to hoist the appropriate two-ton stone upright and into its hole .
10 No wonder they had been covered up .
11 Shortly after lunch they had been reduced to 57 for eight .
12 Nell guessed from the centrifuges and freezers what type of work they had been designed for .
13 Source C " The impression left on the minds of those who heard the speech , after the first sensations of surprise had passed , was that the whole thing had been arranged long before and that , while in the Cabinet and committee they had been making panic stricken efforts to balance the budget , the whole business had been a humbug and make-believe . "
14 All over Spain , rebel officers put into action the plan they had been elaborating since December of the previous year .
15 While at Croydon SSD , Ambache had to support his director in a battle with a while couple who wanted to adopt a black child they had been fostering .
16 One moment they had been crossing a burning glade of shoulder-high grass in the full glare of the sun and the next they descended abruptly into a dark , silent , mysterious world where the air was cool and moist , the earth soft and spongy underfoot , and dazzling orchids blazed suddenly among the deep green undergrowth .
17 His engineers were glad to continue with the central job they had been engaged on before : the attempt to speed up power station completion rates in undertakings they now controlled more directly .
18 And that 's what upset us most about these people going back to work , the fact that a meeting had been taken a few months before in which everybody had voted for us to get the sack , and then all of a sudden they had been threatened and no vote was taken on whether we should stay out or go back , and they just dribbled back to , that really knocked us I think .
19 There was restrained optimism among Wickham 's team that this could be the lead they had been waiting for .
20 They had been crossing a scree ; there had been many loose stones , and footing was difficult , but surely at that point they had been traversing a gentler slope , and her employer had actually been standing on a flattish stretch of granite when she had fallen .
21 The secret is how to listen to this inner voice without which the Holy Ones would not have been able to pass on the messages they had been given .
22 Bernice had been through a lot in the days they had been separated and he was proud of her .
23 He had told Mr Gibson they had been walking past the barn and had gone in for shelter .
24 Later that evening they had been sitting in a restaurant and Maggie had looked at Tom and said , her delicate face and long neck almost visibly aquiver with pleasure ,
25 It was to avoid this last couple that Hugh unexpectedly asked her to dance , which they did unsuccessfully , their bodies unused to performing together , and Molly keeping to the shadows in case the children should spot them and never be able to forgive the embarrassment they had been caused .
26 In their later writings they had been forced to acknowledge , in the light of much critical evidence , that their biologically determined criminal was only one of a variety of types : their theory had become eclectic and multi-factorial .
27 Several analysts were confounded by the strong performance : only on Monday they had been muttering about how sustainable recent performance had been , and querying whether the share price had not run ahead of itself .
28 Lead miners in the northern Pennines were earning 10s ( 50p ) a week by 1797 and 11s 6d ( 57½p ) by 1815 , whereas before the war they had been earning 7s 6d ( 37½p ) ; a money-wage increase of around 50 per cent over the war years seems indicated , implying a real-wage fall of about 10 per cent .
29 Abie Klugman had long grown used to the taunt — it was Aronson 's stock joke for all of the ten years they had been lodging with Mrs Neumann , and he no longer minded it .
30 More distressingly , we discovered that the Aru islands and the Greater Bird of Paradise were no longer on their trading routes and that for the last twenty years they had been pursuing the shorter and more profitable triangular passage between Celebes , Java and Borneo .
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