Example sentences of "[noun] they had [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 The coolies sensed their fright instantly and in a moment forty or fifty of them were advancing menacingly on the little group of overseers , brandishing the implements they had used for so long to tend the rubber plantation under their ruthless tutelage .
2 The question to be faced after the Robbins deliberations was whether the solutions they had proposed for the CATs constituted a model for future action .
3 The amount of land made available for them to purchase should be approximately equivalent to the allotments they had tilled for their own subsistence under serfdom .
4 There had been a bitter dispute in the college ever since a group of young fellows returning after the war had voted many of the old fellows out of the college offices they had held for a long time .
5 At the very first meeting in St Margaret 's Hope village hall they had asked for monetary pledges , at the second meeting in the local school they said it was time to call in those promises and start counting the cash .
6 It was the family portrait they had posed for on Easter Sunday afternoon : Connor , Ruth and Danny , staring glassy-eyed into the camera .
7 Our four mystics had no successors ; the type of spirituality they had developed for their countrymen was blotted out .
8 Under his face , half overlaid by a crag shaped like a mushroom growth on a tree trunk , entirely obscured until his eyes were close up to it by the thick vegetation , was the open fissure which for thirty days they had searched for in vain .
9 Instead of the glorious celebrations they had hoped for , Christmas Eve saw the climbers racing down the mountain trying to escape 100mph winds in -50C temperatures .
10 When it was born rationing was a part of everyday life and people queued quietly for health care just as in the war they had queued for food .
11 For some 11 years they had acted for landowners and in the 1980s reportedly for the Medellín drug cartel , in the prosperous northern Magdalena Medio region of the Magdalena river valley , to combat left-wing guerrillas and attack and kill trade unionists who tried to organize campesinos ( peasants ) and workers in the area .
12 She had always suspected that he 'd had little time for any brain power that she might possess — just as she had always known that her chief value for him had been the almost instantaneous sexual desire they had felt for each other .
13 It was the room they had shared for 30 years since they had moved in to claim his inheritance .
14 They all hoped Zebedee would leave his calling card in the painted square they had picked for £1 .
15 The Zuwaya had not settled every part of their historical record , nor was there a corpus of historical knowledge they had to study for its guidance and understanding .
16 Inside were all the things they had asked for , and some they had not — some wine , two chickens , twelve big red roses .
17 High Anglican architects such as William Butterfield ( 1814–1900 ) and George Edmund Street ( 1824–81 ) took up these ideas and produced a series of parish schools which combine simple planning and construction with details they had developed for church architecture .
18 WIMBLEDON 'S Crazy Gang are returning to Plough Lane , the happy hunting ground they had to leave for safety reasons two years ago .
19 Again , the dual imagery of the victorious general and the holy saviour appeared : virtually everyone wore full military or party uniform , and the steps up to the basilica of Saint Barbara were lined with people carrying the palms they had bought for Palm Sunday , six weeks earlier .
20 They accused him of altering the figures on receipts for money they had given for the release of prisoners , handing over a smaller sum to creditors and pocketing the difference ; charging prisoners for candles ; taking £5 out of the Poor Box to free a prisoner ; lending them money on their plate and watches which belonged to their creditors .
21 What became real to her was not Therese Aschmann , but the tiny diamond and garnet engagement ring Willi had bought in a shop at the back of St Stephen 's Cathedral , and Gerda 's delight , and the luck they had had in getting two cancellation seats at the Staatsoper for a performance of Figaro , and the elegance of their hotel , and the toy truck they had bought for Georg , which had been so large they 'd had trouble getting it home .
22 The oil mingled with the warm salty water which leaked from places in the ceilings , and that was one of the reasons they had asked for some sort of banister rail to hold on to in the narrow winding-stair .
23 Crosby in 1981 was a classic example : the voters lost a man they had known for thirty years and they did n't know who to vote for instead .
24 Old Black Hannah put in an appearance , and one or two other women from the village who remembered Martha as a child , and who , perhaps , shared her liking for the Old Faith ; but apart from them , it was just Mr Drew ( who galloped through the service as fast as he could ) , Jennifer and the two gravediggers , who came in after the blessing and carried the coffin out underhand , dumping it without much reverence into the mortice they had prepared for it .
25 The toppled heads of long forgotten deities and dignitaries observed his passing , the silence they had enjoyed for centuries broken by the rattling of his chains and bells .
26 As in days of yore , the competing knights were not identified by their names but by their insignia or the insignia they had adopted for the event .
27 Over half the men around him spent the crossing bringing up what little food they had eaten for breakfast .
28 Three women in nylon overalls sat at a table eating the food they had prepared for the canteen lunch .
29 Cleo sighed , and opened her mouth to speak , but at that moment the door to the parlour creaked and Drago Dratslinger and his mistress brought in the meal they had prepared for their guests , and the talk turned to that of wood and spirits , of how to trap a wandering soul .
30 ‘ Two reasons : first , because they moved here , the Sardinians , to find pasture when the land they had grazed for centuries was taken from them for development — the Costa Smeralda , etcetera .
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