Example sentences of "[noun] they have [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For two centuries they had faced Celtic attacks .
2 So I 'd like to reflect that against what the government has done since our unique November conference they have cut the Health and Safety Executive 's budget for nineteen ninety three ninety four by five percent , that 's a total of thirteen million pounds the Department of Employment have already admitted this will lead to less inspections and less prosecutions they have introduced a market tex market testing exercise into the H S E in other words they 're saying what parts of the Health and Safety Executive can be privatized into , no doubt , their friends in industry they have made sure that Health that the Health and Safety Commission will work slower in the future by making the chair which is currently a full-time post a part-time post from September this year .
3 Just short of the entrance to the Estrecho de Magellanes they had encountered gale-force winds and off Cabo Virgenes the tow had begun to sheer violently and range up on the tug .
4 One can imagine combining two of these views , but in practice they have remained separate .
5 At that time , the mullahs were the country 's principal teachers and in many rural areas they had become considerable men of property , taxing the people and buying land for themselves .
6 An amazing 98 of them stated they had lost inches from areas they had considered difficult to slim or had found impossible to reduce previously .
7 During the 18 years they had lived in Sion House in Tunbridge Wells they had grown accustomed to its neo-classical spaciousness , but since two of their four children had married and left home it made sense to move to somewhere smaller .
8 When Jean returned from the Ladies there was no sign of either of them , for at the end of the dance they had slipped unnoticed out of one of the wide-open fire exits and around the back of the hall where only courting couples went .
9 And there was the additional point that on their return they had appeared cheerful , as if from a windfall .
10 For Republicans this was a particularly rewarding set of results ; in recent decades they had enjoyed considerable success in presidential elections , but the victories of Eisenhower and Nixon had not , with the fleeting exception of 1953 — 55 , been flanked by success in Congressional elections .
11 Meanwhile , the book 's last essay , titled Black Women and Feminism , takes to task those African-American feminists who are reluctant to acknowledge that by ignoring sexism in the Black community they have left unaddressed the abuse and subjugation of Black women by Black men .
12 Well at the moment they 've got free fitting on all carpets is their latest offer
13 All of a sudden they have become sympathetic to a work force , the very people who have been threatened with Government 's legislation on competitive tendering .
14 And you just hammer them the poor old cloth workers they 've got used to me now , they had an awful fit at the time , you ca n't do that .
15 Alternatively or additionally subjects may genuinely feel that there is greater subjective difference within the few films they have given high ratings to than within the many they have given lower ratings to and have been at least partially successful in avoiding what Poulton ( 1989 ) terms equal frequency biases .
16 Their names were taken from Amal 's brother , but by the time they were collected and asked to appear before the police for statements they had taken great pains to prepare their story .
17 With plants closing down nationwide , management are imposing work practices in the plants they have kept open and are enforcing large pay-cuts .
18 Oh well , that sounds like everybody else , cos I was just saying to Ann that Ian and erm Martin they 've had high temperatures and
19 For some twenty years they had taken opposite sides , reliably and predictably , on all the resounding issues of religion and state .
20 For Rosemarie and Bob Ray , from Eastbourne in Sussex , it was a stunning reward for the years they 'd spent encouraging and supporting Fiona , who 's the youngest of their four children .
21 In recent years they have used commercial strategy consultants to undertake this work on behalf of their clients .
22 Bees navigate using the sun , and for millions of years they have used polarised light to locate their guide on cloudy days .
23 Galleys took some small part in the indecisive battle of Cape Matapan between the Turkish and Venetian fleets in 1717 ; but apart from the large fleets of them maintained in the Baltic by Russia and Sweden they had become obsolete long before the end of this period .
24 They brought , either bought them themselves or bought them posed to beworking with me cos I want to do something on diaries they 've got weekly diary , little
25 She remembered the difficulties they 'd had repairing Starlings after the war , when you could n't get a brick or a plank of wood , not even if you was royalty ; and she remembered comforting Nell as each granddaughter left home .
26 they booked a six week holiday coming back on the first week on boxing day they 've got free car hire for the whole six weeks , not the insurance .
27 Seb felt happy and comfortable when he was with Carrie — at least , he had before the night they had spent snowed-in together at the farm .
28 Early on Sunday morning they had arrived undetected some sixty miles off the island .
29 In the Bristol area they have played active parts in the administration of the Jubilee Convalescent Home , the Bristol General Hospital and the St Monica Home .
30 Throughout prehistory they have formed great carpet-like layers , the so called stromatolites , like those found in Zimbabwe nearly three billion years ago , slowly calcifying into limestone .
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